#1- Humble Opinions - Clace

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Warning: This contains a few awful pickup lines and minor sexual references. Also, I apologize for any grammatical errors. I edit the basics before I publish. When I'm done with the book I will go back and edit in detail. 

Clary's P.O.V

I sit down on one of the couches in the Institute and sigh. I have to do some research about a demon  Izzy and I  were to hunting, it was taking a super long time and we hadn't made any progress. "Might as well get some work done." I mumble to myself and opens my  iPad, swiping to the place where I  kept the information. I heard the door crack and turned around to see Jace standing there looking over my shoulder. 

  "How is my favorite little artist?" He carefully places a soft kiss on my forehead before sitting down next to me. 

"I'm busy." I snap at him without taking my gaze away from the iPad.

"Busy doing what?" He questioned.

"Working on that thing Izzy and I are hunting."

"The greater demon correct? Well, In my  humble opinion you spend too much time working. When are we ever going to raise a family."

I sigh and look up at Jace finally. "Jace, since when has your opinion ever been humble? And I want to be but maybe after this mission is done."

"But that could take forever," He whined

"We're getting closer.. at least, I think we are. I hope we are." I say hopefully

"Sometimes you really disappoint me, babe."Jace who was being melodramatic laid back on the chair flailing his arms out and proceeded to pretend to die very painfully and slowly.

I roll my eyes and put my iPad down and look at him. "Like you aren't working all the time."

"At least, I have fun with it. I joke around. Pull pranks on people." He sit's up from dying and looks at me with a serious face.

"I can be fun too," I whine

"Clary.. darling. You may think you're funny but you will never be as funny me. And you will never be a natural blonde like me."

"Jace, sweetie," She says mocking his tone."You must not have heard, gingers are all the rage. Blondes are so last year."

"Are they, though? I thought it was platinum?" He looked at her and then started laughing "Your so not funny you're funny sometimes."

"I try." A small smirk plays on my lips

"I know you do. But I could teach you how to be funny."

"And I could teach you how to be cute," I reply without missing a beat. A can't help but smile at my burn.

"I may not be cute but I am stunningly attractive."

"Eh...not as much as me, but a close second." I simply refuse to admit that he has a point.

"I'm way more attractive than you. You are like my mortal flaw and I'm your fatal sin. Or is it the other way around."

I sigh "You are so full of yourself, Jace."

"Oh, I try to be."

Shut up." I elbow him gently in the ribs

"And you aren't stuck up?  He grins "Did you just fart cause you blew me away."

"You did not just say that." I groan and  facepalm myself. " your pickup lines are soo hot," I say sarcastically.

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