Chapter 7 [EDITED]

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(Y/N) Your Name

(L/N) Last Name

(E/C) Eye Color

(Italics) Thoughts

(Bold) Author's Note/Perspectives

(H/N) Hospital Name
~Aleasa's Perspective~

It was a quite and normal night, I sat in the living room playing with Mason while Adam made dinner.

"How was work?" I asked him.

"Uh, has (Y/N) talked to you or called you?" He asked walking into the living room.

"No, why? Adam did something happen?" I asked worried.

"Uh... (Y/N) and Ross had a big fight,"Adam said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, that's horrible I-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone going off.

Aleasa: Hello?

???: Hello is this Aleasa Dahlberg?

Aleasa: Yes it is. May I ask who's calling.

???: I am a nurse at (H/N). I wanted to inform you that your sister, (Y/N) (L/N) was hit by a car. She is now in the intensive care unit.

Aleasa: Oh... thank you for calling I will be there shortly.

Nurse: No problem, goodnight.

"Who was that Aleasa?" Adam asked with curiosity.

"It was a nurse from (H/N), (Y/N) was hit by a car," I sobbed.

"We should go there now! I will call the guys and we will head over there," Adam whispered gently.

I asked our neighbor to watch Mason for us, and luckily she said yes. As Adam and I got into the car my whole body felt numb. Even as Adam held my hand, I was unable to find any warmth in his touch. The only thing I could think of was my baby sister laying in a hospital bed fighting for her life. Would she even be fighting? 

"Hey, it's all going to be okay. Don't worry," Adam assured me. But I didn't believe it.

~At the Hospital~

When we finally arrived I looked at them. (Y/N)'s real family, Ross, Red, Barney, Max and Jess. They took care of her and made her feel loved when I couldn't. I think that's the guilt that chipped away at me each day. As I sat down Adam sat next to Ross who was hunched over sobbing. Other than him and the bustling nurses and doctors, the waiting room was silent. Eerily calm... how could anything be calm my world was crashing around me. As I sat there it hit... I could lose her. 

~Ross' Perspective~

This... this is all my fault. If I had just trusted her. I started to sob. I am such an idiot for yelling at her. I miss (Y/N)'s smile, her (E/C) eyes, her laugh. I held my head, while hunched over. Please, please, please don't leave me (Y/N)... I cannot live without you.


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