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"Here, take this!" 10k pulled a knife from his pocket and handed it to me. I nervously held it out in front of me, ready to take down anything in my way.

10k and I were back to back, circling around, watching everything. A Z stumbled towards me and I thrust the knife into its forehead and quickly retracted it. I swung around and stabbed one to my right. That was my first time killing a Z.

"Good one, Cody!" 10k hollered

"There's too many of them!" I replied, starting to panic

I took in the room and saw that most of the population was zombie by now. People were turning left and right, falling to the ground, only to get back up again a few seconds later as a monster.

"Here!" 10k handed me a gun and I felt it's weight in my hand. I handed there knife back to him and he placed back in it's holder.

I pulled the trigger on the next zombie and it staggered back.
I'd missed its head. It threw it's shoulders back and and ran full speed at me and lunged-

It fell down and revealed a tired looking Meg behind it, holding a gun. She was still wearing her bikini and her red hair was mused and tangled. She looked like a freaking model. I spit a piece of hair out of my mouth.

"Fancy meeting you here," she winked at me and killed another Z.

"Meg, I'm glad you're alive!" I smiled and shot into the hoard

"Me too." She flicked her hair behind her and lined herself up next to me.

"There's too many, we need to get out of here!" 10k informed us, still keeping his position behind me

"No shit Sherlock!" Meg muttered and took another shot

"Who's you friend?" Murphy looked Meg up and down

"Ignore him!" I told Meg, but I was starting to panic. Almost everyone in the room was a zombie by now and we were slowly getting corralled into a corner.

"I'll try and lead a few up on stage, to draw them away! Cover me!" Meg shouted and began to duck away.
I quickly aimed my gun at the zombies who stumbled towards her. She climbed the small set of stairs that led to the stage and took them out one by one. She had the higher ground, as long as the Zs didn't overwhelm her, she'd be okay.

I focused my attention back to the monsters in front of me. With Meg up on higher ground, we were making a dent in the zombie population of the room. Though I was beginning to worry when we would run out of amo...

I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I jerked my head to focus on the stage and saw a huge Z sneaking up on Meg. She was focused on maintaining the hoard in front of her and didn't see. I aimed my gun, and heard the bone chilling click of an empty round.

Well, that answers that question.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath,
"Meg!" I shouted, trying to get her attention, her focus remained on the Zs in front of her.

"Meg-" I was thrown to the ground by- it seemed- a huge wall of flesh. A Z was on top of me, and fighting hard.

I put the gun to its temple and shot but then realized, no shit, I'm out of bullets.

I grabbed it by its throat in an effort to keep its clamping jaws as far away from my neck as possible, but it only seemed to be getting closer and closer. It's eyes weren't completely bloodshot yet and it's skull was still hard. It was a new one, probably turned just a few seconds ago.

"Someone shoot this thing!" I screamed out in terror when I realized I couldn't fight this thing off by myself.

It jerked back and fell to the ground beside me, more dead than it previously was, if that makes any sense.

I scrambled up and saw Doc wink at me and continue to shoot. The crowd of Zs was considerably thinner, we were probably down to the last fifteen.

That reminded me, I looked up on stage to see if Meg was okay. My eyes were greeted by an empty stage. I hoped she made it out safely.

"I'm out of amo!" Doc told us

"Where's Murphy?" I asked, if he could control the Zs why the fuck wasn't he here? I had just seen him a few minutes ago.

"You think he went back to the truck?" Doc asked

"I don't know but-"

I was- once again- thrown to the ground. I felt something stringy get caught in my mouth. I spat it out hastily and realized it was hair. I looked up and saw the face of my attacker. She had red hair and once blue eyes.

It was Meg.

Half of her once beautiful face was mutilated and torn where she had been bitten, revealing a patch of her skull and muscles hanging out. I felt my eyes sting at the sight.
My once friend was now dead, and in her place was a monster who wanted nothing more than to kill me and make me exactly like her.

"Cody! Holy shit!" I heard 10k yell from above us

"Help me, please!" I sobbed, all traces of bad ass gone, and left in its place was the scared little girl I thought I had left back in the treehouse.

Meg's eyes were snatched from my vision as she was knocked off of me.

10k was on top of her, holding her down with strength I didn't know that he had.

"Kid! What are you doing?" Doc yelled as he searched his pockets for something to help 10k with

"Where's your knife?" I called

"Pocket... I can't- reach it!" He was struggling to keep her flailing corpse pinned down.

I crawled over to them and began to scan his pockets for the knife.

"Left side," he panted, her jaws were getting closer to his face by the second.
I felt acid stir in my stomach, could I do it? Could I kill Meg?

That's not Meg anymore.

I saw the black handle protruding from his pocket, grabbed it and uncapped it, or whatever thats called.

I took one last look at Meg, but I couldn't find any comfort in it.
Half of her face was torn off and she was literally trying to eat one of the only boys I had ever liked.

I drove the knife straight through her face, and she dropped back towards the ground, more lifeless than she was to begin with.

"You guys done in here?" A familiar voice called from the other side of the auditorium, or whatever you want to call it.

I squinted at the red head walking towards us. It was Addy, and behind her was the rest of the group. I felt a son catch in my throat as I fell back against 10k's chest. He caught me and wrapped his arms around me gently.

"It's okay, we're good now... I told you I'd find you..." He whispered in my ear.

I could finally leave this place.

15 votes for next one! RIP Meg :(

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