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"You sure are being handsy today," Murphy snatched his arm back and continued to walk. "Seriously- what's going on with you?" He demanded

"I think people are getting sick here," I whispered, breaking into a slightly faster pace, "And 10k isn't back yet, we need to find the rest of the group and leave."

"What if he doesn't come back?" Murphy asked, "What will you do then miss- 'I have a plan!" Are you willing to leave him behind?"

I let his question roll off my back. We would find 10k. He would be back. I trusted that boy more than anybody, he would be back.

I didn't let myself question the possibility that I was wrong.

10k was the one who had brought me to this building the last time we had been here, so it took me a minute to remember where the heck it was.

"Cody, I've met newborns with a better sense of direction than you." Murphy grumbled under his breath.

Maybe it took me longer than a minute.

"We just need to get to the outskirts of town." I was growing more anxious by the minute. Any old person could suddenly decide to go full psycho and attack any second.

"Pick a direction," he sneered, "and go straight."

"Shut up," I whispered

"Cody. If you really wanna seem inconspicuous, stop whispering." he whispered back

I rolled my eyes and kept a look out for the building. I wasn't really sure why I was still whispering anyway, we had passed all the heavily populated areas of the town. By heavily populated I mean occupied by more than eight people at a time.

This was starting to look familiar, but I wondered if I had even gone in the right direction.

"Is that it?" Murphy pointed one finger to a very distant building. It had the same run down, squaty look about it.

"Maybe, lets get closer."

Murphy groaned.

"Don't you want them back?" I demanded, perplexed that he could be so cold hearted towards the people that had protected him along this whole journey, "How would you go on without them?"

"Probably the way I was used to doing things- alone." he scoffed.

"You're full of shit Murphy." I turned away, but kept talking, I wasn't sure why I was so angry about this, but Murphy got under my skin. I could feel the anger red hot behind my eyes.

"You think you're some heartless monster? You're pathetic, these people are trying to save humanity- for crying out loud, and all you have to do is be along for the ride. But you can't even do that without being a pain in everybody's ass!" I fumed

"We can't all have a boy toy that follows our every move, can we?" He snarled, but I kept my eyes forward.

"And lets not forget who got you out of your little, situation back at that auction ring."

I stopped and turned around so quickly I thought my neck would seize from the whiplash.

"You?" I gasped

"Close your mouth, 10k isn't here." He snapped, and continued walking.

His remark felt like a sucker punch to the jaw. I waited a second, trying to calm myself down.

"You mother-" I lunged at him from behind and yanked him back, forcing him to face me. My skin was blazing, it felt like I had fire in my veins. He had no right to talk to me like that, 10k and weren't even that serious- that wasn't the point!

I pulled my fist back to clock him in the face, but he grabbed it and held it tight. I felt my fingers start to press together uncomfortably, but I had too much pride to give in.

"Let. Me. Go." I growled through my teeth

"You think you're something special?" He laughed, squeezing my fist tighter. "Warren took you along because she felt guilty for ransacking your house, not because we needed you. You're useless, clinging to 10k like some stupid school girl." My breath caught in my chest.

"Let me go!" I yelled again

"Nothing," He repeated, then laughed again.

This scenario was all too familiar. He was the spitting image of Stephen right about now, telling me that I was useless, me yelling for him to let me go... but this was going to end differently this time.

I paused for a moment, then spat directly into his eye. He stepped back, releasing my sore hand. I took the opportunity to grab his shoulder, and held him still while I socked him directly in the face. His head rocked back and his ugly face recoiled in pain.

"Get up." I instructed. I fought down the feeling of regret that had bubbled up the second I punched him. I needed him right now, and had fought too impulsively.

He held his finger to his lip for a second and pulled it back. A blue substance contrasted sharply with his grimy brown hand.

"Blue?" I gaped at him.

"What did I tell you about closing your mouth." A sharp sneer arched across his face like a razor. He pulled himself off the ground and wiped at his mouth again. I got closer to his mouth, examining the blue liquid. Was it his blood? How was that possible?

"If you get any closer, I might be tempted to kiss you." He sarcastically whispered

"Shut up. What's happening to you?" His eyes were changing day by day, they were starting to look more like a reptile eyes than a human eyes.

"Leave that to the scientists." he grumbled and shouldered past me.

"10k and I aren't like that." I said to the ground

"Could have fooled me." I didn't look at his face. Why couldn't he just apologize? Was he really that evil hearted?

"I'm sorry." he said under his breath

"I forgive you."

I was tired of all the hate in my life and I was starting to give myself emotional whiplash. I could just blame the circumstances of the city, and say I was moody because I was nervous, but that wasn't true.

I was changing, as a person.

And I wasn't sure I liked the person I was becoming.

Short chapter, I know! Don't worry, a lot is going to happen within the next couple of chapters. Don't forget to vote!

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