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Twenty minutes later we were back on the road. Everything was fine and dandy 10k and I had made up, nobody got bit, and we had all made it out of the hotel alive and with Murphy. The only downside...

There was a fucking kid nestled in between us.

We had agreed to take her back to her group, she had insisted they didn't live far. She said her name was Ellie
"I'm hungry!" She whined and slung her body around like the child she was. I couldn't remember the last time I saw a person younger than me.

Warren shot her a look from the rearview mirror.

"Amen sister," Murphy agreed

Even I was feeling hungry. I hadn't had anything to eat except for a stale breakfast bar I had found in the apartment hotel thingy.

"Warren I think we all need some food, where could we stop?" Doc spoke up

"There's probably a gas station somewhere ahead we could stop at-" Warren started but was quickly cut off

"Can we turn on the radio please?" Ellie interrupted

Doc, who was in the front seat, looked to Warren. I saw her tensely nod and he fiddled with some buttons until static filled the car.

"Great tunes." Murphy nodded along to a beat that didn't exist.

"Delta-" a voice spoke out from under the static.

"Wait, everybody shut up!" Doc hushed the already silent car by waving his hands in the air and began to fiddle with the radio.

"X Ray Delta, do you copy?" The voice spoke more clearly now, but it was still staticky and soft.

"What's going on?" I was on full alert now. My ears were pricked and eagerly listening for the next sound. Was this a regular occurrence?

"We copy." Warren calmly spoke whilst keeping her hands on the wheel and looking straight ahead.

I turned to 10k, my eyebrows raised in question.

"His name is Citizen Z, he's kinda like a broadcaster that gives hope to people that can tune in... He's helped us out a few times too..." He trailed off, it seemed he was more interested in something that this Citizen Z guy had to say. My guess was that he was an important dude.

"Hello Cody, I don't believe we've met."

"Hi," I awkwardly waved but then quickly lowered my hand when I realized he couldn't see me. Speaking of seeing me, how did he know I was with the group? Did he have hidden cameras set up around the city? No, he would have to have access to some kind of super computer... That sounds stupid. I have no idea how technology works.

"He has access to security cameras, but sometimes it's harder for him to contact us verbally," 10k whispered next to me

"I found the coordinates of Ellie's group, but I have to warn you they're pretty far away."

"We have to get her back, we can't take her to California and we can't leave her on the side of the road." Warren said to the radio

Citizen Z began to reel off a bunch of things and numbers I didn't understand so I looked at Ellie.

She wasn't that dirty, except for a few smudges of dirt around her knees and elbows. Her hair was pretty clean and her clothing wasn't torn at all. I wondered if her group had set up a camp somewhere and were safe...


I hadn't thought about that word being a possibility in a long time.

I knew I couldn't leave my group, Murphy had the possible cure, and I would do what I could to protect him, but I'm not gonna pretend that I didn't want to.

"We'll be there in about three hours, so everybody better get comfortable." Warren called to us.

"Be safe everyone. This is Nor-" he was cut off before he could say another word.

"How long has he been doing that?" I asked

"A long time," Doc murmured

"We listen to him at camp sometimes," Ellie yawned, "he says funny stuff."

I nodded and slumped in my seat, my eyes drooping. It seemed I could never get enough sleep.


I was shaken awake and it was dark outside. Time really seems to get distorted when you don't have a clock or any means of keeping time at all. I realized I didn't even know what month it was.

"We're here." 10k told me while pushing open the door. He held it open for Ellie and I.

"Thank you!" She sweetly nodded up at him

"Thanks," I smiled at him and he shrugged, but looked happy that I had said something.

"Who's there?" A woman's voice asked and I realized we were stopped outside of a chain link fence.

A flashlight beam strobbed across all of our faces and we squinted against the light, groaning.

"There's only nine of us!" Warren told the voice, "But one of us is yours."

"What? Who?" Another voice quickly hushed her and a figure crossed in front of the flashlight beam. I heard the gate open.

"Come in. Do you have Ellie?" It was a man who spoke this time.

"Yes. But we aren't coming in." Warren warned the man, who from what I could tell seemed to be getting closer.

"Nonsense. We won't make you give up your weapons, and there's Shufflers out there. You might wanna hurry, we have leftover food if you want it and..."

The voice kept talking, but I wasn't listening.

I had heard that man before. I knew who it was. But I couldn't let myself believe it.

"Hey! Who are you?" I rushed forward and Warren put out a hand to stop me, she looked bewildered that I was suddenly speaking so out of turn, and in front of so many strangers.

"Stop! Stop!" I yelled and pushed against her.

I felt 10k grab me from behind but I fiercely elbowed him in the stomach and he retracted, clutching his abdomen.

"Cody?" The man stopped. I could see him now, just slightly visible in the darkness. My heart almost leapt out of my chest like a jack in the box that had been set to spring.

It was the face I had been waiting to see since the moment I was hidden away in that stupid treehouse.




I hoped you enjoyed that, and also I have a new story up if you wanna take a look, it's called "Walking the Earth". It a 10k fanfic centering mostly around him and a girl before the apocalypse. I'm just playing with the idea, so if you wanna vote on the first chapter, it would mean a whole lot to me! Thank you!!

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