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Me and Jayden are about to go on our first date by going to a high school party that's just for seniors only. Shit, I've been waitin for this party ever since I started high school. Brooklyn is going to come to my house so all 3 of us can ride together. I don't know when the hell she gonna come but she's comin. The party don't start until 7 and its.... Oh shit. It's 6:00pm. I gotta get ready now.


Right now, I'm bout to leave the house to go to India's. You see I was gonna go with my boyfriend or I should say ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him because I caught him cheating with a hoe at his school. Life lesson to all the females: Never date a man who's not gonna care for you cuz if he doesn't, he's a dick.


I'm really excited to go to the party with India, since it's our first date but in my opinion, I really wouldn't call it a date because her friend is coming, other people will be around, and it's a party. I'm planning to take India's virginity tonight. I don't know why because I said I was gonna stop that but can't help myself.


[^^^picture of the outfit up there^^^]

When I was turnin around starin at my beautiful stayin self in the mirror, Jayden was outside. "Alright. Time to get your party on!" I went outside and locked the door. When I turned around, Brooklyn was getting in the car. I rushed in a slow pace because I have these damn heels on.

When I opened the door, the first thing I hear is Jayden's voice.

"Hey lil mama. Someone's lookin hot tonight."

"Say for yourself Jay. You look sexy."

"Haha thanks."

Brooklyn was just silent while we were flirting with her. I forgot she dumped her boyfriend cuz her ex told me that she was too lame for him. Whoops...

After the party


After the party, I dropped India home. She was tired and drunk asf and same for Brooklyn.

"Daddy?" She just randomly said out loud.

"I'm not yo damn daddy girl shut up. I'm taking you home because you too wasted to be alone at home." India was wasted too but Brooklyn is way worse than India. As soon as I carried her in my house, I laid her on the couch. I went back to the door to get my keys out the door and I closed it. When I went back to the couch, she wasn't there no more.

"Brooklyn?" There was nothing but silence.

"Brooklyn! Girl, I know you here me." I ran through the hallway and I saw her in my room naked.

"Hey Papi."

"Damn-- put your clothes on, please." Her body was so damn fine, I started to get a boner.

As she started walking to me, she kissed me and I kissed her back. Then she started whispering in my ear.

"I really like you and so does my pussy." I didn't know she was dirty like that to be honest.

"Eh, maybe a few minutes wouldn't kill you."

10 minutes later

"Scream my name, girl." We was goin to work real fast. I felt like I just found my sex partner.

"Jayden!!!" She screamed and groaned the whole time. I slowly pulled myself out and spreaded her legs wider.

"I'm bout to eat you out." I was swirling my tongue and she was groaning so much.

"Ooh. Jayden, I love you."

"I love you too, Brooklyn."

That ending tho. Tell me what you think about this chapter and I hope you're ready for the next part. Bye💗
~ Terra💜

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