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When I walked through the door, I heard Alessia throwing up upstairs. I dropped my stuff on the couch and headed up stairs. When I walked in the room, she came out the restroom.

"Babe, why are you throwing up?"

"Because I'm pregnant." I was confused for second wondering why and who fucked her. After I thought about it, I started to remember that we had sex 2 weeks ago.

"We're having a baby?"

"Yep, it's ours. You can't leave me alone." She whispered in a weak voice.

"Who said I was doing that? You're mine forever." She smiled as tears of joy were running down her cheeks. I walked up to her and kissed her on her wet cheeks. As I pulled away, she asked when are we telling India and Trey. I humped my shoulders because I wondering the same thing,


"Yo India!" I yelled for her to come down stairs. She was in her room chilling.

"What?" I heard her coming in the living room. As I looked up, she was all dressed up.

"Woah. Why are you all dressed up?"

"I'm going to a party tonight. Coming?"

"Yeah I'll--" When I could finish my last words, she cut me off.

"Alright you got 10 minutes let's go." I looked at her with an arched eyebrow and just went to go get dressed.

10 minutes later, we were ready to go.

The party turned out to be in a club. It was loud as fuck but I didn't care because I was drunk. So was India but when I started to find her, she was no where to be found. I tried texting her but she never answered. When a group of guys came over to me, i was trying to see who it was and it was Usher, Tyga, and Drake.

"Bro, wassup." We shooked hands and everything. We even talked for a few minutes and then Tyga brought up something bout India.

"Yo, don't you go out with India?" He looked at me and I was like yeah. He told me he saw her in the hallway making out with a guy. I started to get mad and I told them I'll be back. When I walked in the hallway, I didn't see no one in there. The hallway was filled with a whole bunch of bedrooms for people that makes out and whole bunch of shit like that. When I heard crying in a room, I walked in and it was India. She was laying down in the bed. I ran over to her, sat down, and I asked her why she was crying.

"Well since I was drunk, *sniff* I was making out with a guy. When he started stripping me down, he stole all my clothes and ran off. Left me in my bra and underwear." I was confused like who does that. "Do you mind staying in here for the rest of the night until it's time to go?"

"Sure why not." I got up from the bed and went to close the door. I took off my jacket, shirt, and pants and laid them on a chair. As I got in the bed, India got on top of me, and pulled the covers over us. I rubbed her back and told her it was gonna be okay. Out of nowhere, she started grabbing my dick. It hurted for a minute because I had a boner but it went away when she grabbed it. I looked at her with confusion and she told me don't say anything. She slowed came close to me and reached her soft lips to mine. We rolled over to where I was on top.


"Yes baby girl?"

"I love you."

"I love you too." We started back kissing and started grabbing each other. I began kissing all over her neck and stomach. As I got lower, she started moaning and I bit my lip.

"Ind, I don't think your ready for me."

She let out a laugh and said, "That's what you think."

"Oh alright." I smiled and started back kissing her lower stomach. As soon as I reached her area, I slid a finger inside of her. She released moans and I added another finger.

"Trey, go ahead." She moaned and I was like alright. I slid them out and ate her out.


At midnight

When we arrived home, I quickly ran in Trey's shirt in our room to take a shower. After I got out, I checked my phone and I saw that I got a text from Jayden. I was wondering why he have my number. I called him and he picked up.

Jayden: Hey India. I never expected you to call.
India: Hi Jayden. I was just wondering why you still have my number.
Jayden: Well I guessed I never deleted after we broke up but yeah. How are you?
India: I'm great. What bout you?
Jayden: I'm doing good too. I married Brooklyn, have a son, and I'm just happy.
India: Well that's good and your son is?
Jayden: Adrian is one. I was wondering if you're wanted to come to my house tomorrow?
India: That's cool, I'll come. I'm tired but I got to go so goodnight.
Jayden: Goodnight.

I hung up, tied my hair in a ponytail, hung the drying towel, and walked out the restroom. As soon as I walked out of the restroom, Trey was walking in the room.

"By time you got out."

"Boy shut up." When I walked over to my dresser to find some clothes, Trey was holding my ass. Then he started kissing my neck.

"Trey, it's midnight. I'm tired and now you wanna do this again?"

"Baby girl, I'm bored." I turned around and he started looking down at my boobs. "Hey!" I grabbed his face and positioned it so he can look at me.

"But I just wanna fuck you." I started laughing and so did he.

"But we're not ready baby."

"Who said that we don't have to be ready?" He turned me around and I started staring in the mirror that's on my dresser.

"Just this once?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded my head. He carried me to the bed and started getting naked. We slid under the covers and he got on top of me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"I guess."

"Don't guess, just do it." I smiled and just went along with what he said.


Sorry that I haven't been posting a new chapter. I wanted to do a part yesterday when I was going on a field trip to Austin but I forgot. Now that there's a part, you can hopefully enjoy it. Also, there's a book that I posted about two weeks ago and I need you to read it please!! It's called Addicted Love! You'll love it if you read it🌺byeee

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