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*about a year later*

Alessia and Chris had twins on my birthday, September 21, 2015. Amaiya and Chase can be a handful all the times but I can still keep the shit under control. Also they got married a month ago. I'm now 22 years old, engaged, and 7 months pregnant. A week ago, I found out what the gender was but I'm not telling Trey because I want to keep it a secret. Right now, the twins are asleep and I'm waiting for their parents and Trey to come home. As I he walked in, he immediately threw his jacket down and jumped on the couch where I am.

"Watch out! A pregnant woman here," I yelled as he raised my shirt up to talk to my belly. Ever since I've been pregnant, the first thing he would do when he comes home is just talk to the baby. How adorable yet weird.

"Sorry baby girl," he said as he kissed my belly. Just to let you know, we're having a girl.

"It's alright." For 30 minutes straight, he never got off the couch. I'm just glad he's excited for our child to come.

The next day

Ever since Jayden and I talked to each other, we've always been hanging out as friends. Like the good old days. Before he became a backstabbing asshole boyfriend. As I was scrolling through the guide to look for something to watch on tv, the doorbell went off. He arrived just in time.

"Come in Jay." As he was walking in the house, I heard him and Brooklyn fighting over the phone. I gasped when I heard the words came out of his mouth before he hung up on her: I want a divorce!

"I fucking hate that bitch!"

When he is extremely red, he explodes full of anger. Once I found him on the couch, I sat next to him but not too close since he was pissed off. Jayden explained everything that happened with Brooklyn. In my head, I wanted to beat ha ass because Jayden doesn't deserves this shit and I felt bad for him.


Ever since I had the twins, Chris and I have been fighting ALOT! If I need help, his slow ass wanna take his precious time and just stay on his phone. I mean I don't wanna get a divorce after we just got married a month ago. I know he loves me and he cares about me but I just can't control my anger sometimes. As I'm reading my magazine, Chris makes his way towards me.

"Babe, I know you just had the twins but us fighting isn't good at all. Whatever I've done to upset you, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me but just to let you know," he says as move closer to my ear to whisper my favorite three words, "I love you."

As I look up to him, I smile and he leans in for a kiss and so do I. Our lips were just about to touch before we hear Amaiya cry. I back away from him and tell him that I need to go get her. When I finally got to the twins' room, Amaiya stops crying.

"What's the matter baby," I softly whisper to her as I hold her in my arms and hear Chris walking into the room. Thankfully he walked in because Chase needed his diaper changed and HE CHANGED IT, which is a little rare for him to do, but YES!!


When it was getting dark, I told India that I was about to head home. As she walks me out of the house, I thanked her for listening and helping me out.

"No problem," she politely said with a smile.

*after walking in the door*

"Where have you been," Brooklyn yelled as she was coming down the stairs.

"At India's house. Problem?" As I headed towards the living room, I heard a click from something I kinda had no idea it was. When I turned around, Brooklyn was holding a gun. She shot me four times in my chest and that's when everything was fading away.


"I told that motherfucker to stay away from her and now she's gonna pay," I said to myself as I sat the gun on the table.

That's when I knew that I was gonna have to kill her too.


Sorry that I'm just now posting. I'm kinda getting less attracted to Wattpad but yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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