The park

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P.S. (F/C/F) means Favorite Color Flower. (F/F) means Favorite Food. (B/D) means Birth Date.

•the next day•
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
~My room~

Since today is my special day, I decided to wear something special. Sure all my clothes are cute, but, I have to have something cuter, right? So, I found a (F/C) short dress, some black flats, and my black purse. I took my phone, earbuds, charger, and of course, money and put them all in my purse. I put some (any kind of shade) pink lip gloss. I left my (H/L) (H/C) hair down and looked at Myself in my mirror.

Me:*takes deep breath and talks to herself* my life, has completely changed. I'm dating someone, someone I love, it's confusing cuz I've never been on a date before. Life is pretty funny. I really wish I don't mess up since once again, this is my first date. I hope it goes better than I expect it. Well, let's just hope it goes good...

~in the kitchen~

Me: well mom, today, I'm going to the park with Gumball.

Mom: ohh, special moments huh?

Me: yeah, and u won't believe what happened yesterday!

Mom: oh, what happened sweetie?

Me: Gumball, asked me, on a date!

Mom: oh, hunny. I'm so glad for u. No wonder ur so dressed!

Me: *giggles* thanks mom.

Mom: well hurry, u don't want Gumball to wait so long.

Me: right, gotta go *takes deep breath* wow, this is gonna be a great day! Bye mom!

Mom: bye hon!

~at the park~

I got to the park and I saw Gumball sitting on a bench. Once he saw me, he stood up, walked towards me, and smiled. I blushed but covered me face.

Gumball's P.O.V.

I think I came too early to the park cuz I don't see (Y/N) anywhere. She must be getting ready. I got some (F/C/F)'s cuz I know how much she likes them. I can always remember her warm smile. So sweet and beautiful. I like her, no, no, no, I don't just like her, I love her!

•5 minutes later•

I was sitting in a bench when I saw an Angel! I stood up and walked near (Y/N) and smiled. She looks beautiful!

Me: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): h-hey Gumball. Ready for

Me: ready! You?

(Y/N): yeah. Oh, btw, how do I look?

Me: to be honest, you don't look look beautiful!

(Y/N/): *giggles* Gumball, quit flirting!

Me: I don't think I can.

(Y/N): *giggles* so, what do we do first?

Me: let's eat?

(Y/N): gladly!

Me: oh right, I forgot to give u these *hands (Y/N) (F/C/F) flowers*

(Y/N): *gasps* Gumball! U didn't have to.

Gumball: yes I did. Cuz we are daiting after all.

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