Chapter Five

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(I apologize in advance for all of the time skips and POV changes in this chapter)

(Eren's POV)

I woke up to a beeping sound. I'm in a hospital? What happened after I blacked out? I tried to sit up to get a better look at my surroundings, but stopped when a flash of pain came from my chest.

"Eren!" I turned my head to see my mom sitting on a chair that was pulled next to my bed.

"H-" My throat was dry so I couldn't talk.

"I thought you would need some water when you woke up." My mother said with a forced smile; while handing me a cup. I took a few small sips before trying to talk again.

"Hey..." I stopped talking. What am I supposed to tell her? I definitely can't start talking about a dragon killing my friends. Does she even know what happened to them? Tears started streaming down my face, and once I started crying my mom did too. She must know that my friends are dead. At least I don't have to explain that to her.

"Eren, what happened?" My mother asked in between sobs.

"I-I'm not sure." I lied. It hurt me to lie to her, but I could never tell her the truth. A knocking at the door caught both of our attention.

"Sorry to interrupt; I just need to give Eren his medicine." A nurse with brown hair said. He walked over to me and began messing with my IV.

"Am I going to be able to leave soon?" I asked the nurse before he left.

"If everything goes well you should be able to leave tomorrow." He said with a smile and left.

~ ~ ~

"Eren, I feel horrible to not be here with you tonight." My mom said sadly.

"It's fine. I'm at a hospital; nothing bad can happen to me here." I comforted her. My mother wasn't allowed to spend the night at the hospital, and was going to be staying in the closest hotel, but she kept on refusing to leave even though she had already payed for the room.

"Okay, but if anything happens the hospital is going to call me right away and I will be here in a heartbeat."

"Okay mom." I said with a smile of how protective my mother was being. Nothing bad can happen to me here, so her worrying is wasted.

~ ~ ~

(Levi's POV)

It's the middle of the night and I still can't fall asleep. Something has been nagging at me all day and I can't ignore it anymore. Slowly, I got up and silently made my way out of the hotel room.

I parked the car outside of a familiar building. 'Should I really be doing this?' I asked myself before exiting the vehicle and walking to the building. My plan is to get in and out without being seen or at least acknowledged, but I am prepared if I am spotted. I tried a few doors before I found one that would open. Even though I wasn't exactly sure where I should be going I kept walking like I knew exactly what I was doing. Finally I found the hallways of rooms I was looking for. There were a few nurses walking around, but none of them noticed me.

"Levi?" I froze in place. The voice had come from the room to my left. I turned my head and saw Eren in the bed in the middle of the room. Good to know he is okay. I swiftly turned my head and kept on walking. "Wait! Levi, what are you doing here?" There was shuffling coming from the room. He was trying to follow me; I'm going to have to speed things up now. Why couldn't he have been sleeping? I mean it's the middle of the night; aren't kids supposed to get a lot of sleep? Even if he didn't feel like sleeping shouldn't he be loopy on painkillers?

"'Eren? What are you doing out of your room? You need to lay back down, you could open your stitches." I heard a nurse trying to calm Eren. By that time I was already out of sight for both of them. I leaned up against the wall and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. That was, problematic.

(Eren's POV)

"Now try and get some sleep Eren." The nurse that forced me back into my room said.

"Of course." I said nicely and smiled. All I have to do is wait until none of them are around then I can leave and find Levi. What is he doing here? I really hope there isn't something here that might hurt someone. If there is I need to know about it and help Levi every way possible.

It took almost ten minutes for me to be able to get out of my room. Now I am really happy I was able to get my IV out earlier today. I just hope I can catch up to Levi; wherever he may be. I turned down another dark hallway. Almost everything was dark and the only light was coming from the windows and a single room with the door left ajar. Slowly, I approached it and looked inside the room. It looked like a normal office; a plant in the corner for decoration and a desk in the middle of it. the computer screen was lit up and someone was sitting at the desk looking at the computer intensely. For a few seconds I couldn't make out the face of the person behind the screen, but they quickly looked to the doorway and it became evident who it was.

"Levi! What are you doing here?" I asked while entering the room. "And even more importantly what are you doing on that computer?" He muttered something under his breath before looking at me again with a bored expression. Our eyes locked; the screen reflected off of Levi's icey eyes which would have intimidated anyone else; however, I knew that he wasn't going to hurt me.

"Why does it matter to you?" He answers coldly. "It's two in the morning, you should be sleeping." I started to get discouraged by his response. there is no way I am going to get him to tell me, so I ran up behind the desk and looked at the screen. He was looking at my medical records.

"Are you stalking me now?" I asked him, surprised. What possibly could have made him do this?

"I wanted to see how severe your wounds were from before. You were bleeding really bad, but they mustn't have been too bad if you can run around the hospital at night. The staff are probably looking for you now." He said before logging out of the computer and turning it off. "You should get back to your room. I don't need anymore trouble getting out of here." I was speechless. Does he really care about me that much? Or was there another reason for his search? Instead of making him stay and tell me exactly what he was doing I let him leave. I am tired and just want my life to go back to normal.

(Levi's POV)

I had almost made it out of the building when a staff member spotted me. She looked nervous.

"Sir, have you seen a teenager walking around the hospital? He's my patient and I need to find him quick; before he hurts himself."

"Yeah." I pointed her in the direction of the room I last saw Eren. She quickly walked that direction. I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe it was a good thing that Eren followed me.   

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