Chapter Thirteen

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(Eren's POV)

I was sitting in the same spot where Hanji had left me when I noticed something weird about one of the guys here. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. We only looked at each other for a moment, but without a pause he made his way over to me. Does he know I shouldn't be in here? Should I run or should I just see what he wants first?

"I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there, so I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes." He said with a wink. I tried to hold back a laugh but it came out like a snort. Great, I don't know who should be more embarrassed in this situation; him or me. "Hey, I'm Adrian."

"I'm Eren." I responded softly. When is Levi and Hanji going to get back? As I was about to look around for them Adrian cupped my face in his hands.

"You have something on your face." He said and brought his face to mine before I could ask what. At first I tried to push him away, but as the kiss deepened I stopped. This wasn't that bad. In fact; I actually liked it. "Me." He whispered as he pulled away.

(Levi's POV)

It had taken me almost an hour, but I had gained all the information I needed. All the victims so far have visited this place the night of their deaths, and all the evidence points to a Nix. Now all I need to do is get Hanji. She hasn't been in my sight the whole night and that is making me nervous; but wait, wasn't Eren here? I should find him first.

"Hey, have you seen a tall brown haired idiot?" I asked a bartender.

"The one your friend was talking to? Yeah, he left almost an hour ago with some guy. Sorry you got ditched." He responded. Shit, who could that have been? I decided the best thing to do would be to find Hanji as soon as possible. She was the one who was supposed to watch over him. Where the hell could she have wondered off to? I started looking around the place and finally found Hanji outside by my car.

"Hanji, what the hell happened? Where did Eren go?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Didn't you talk to him? I left after I couldn't find you to see if you had gone back to the car."

"Eren left with someone, do you know who that could have been?"

"No, I didn't know he knew anyone from around here. Good thing I have his number." Hanji smirked as she pulled a small piece of paper out of her pocket "You want?" She joked. She started dialing the number. I grabbed the phone from her, and waited for an answer. When he didn't answer I left a voicemail.

"Brat what the hell do you think you are doing? First you show up here following us then you leave unexpectedly. You need to get out of here right away because until we finish our job you could be the next to die, and I didn't save your life just for you to get yourself killed." I then hung up and handed the phone back to Hanji.

"Also I learned some interesting things about that 'brat'." Hanji said as she got into the car. "I would love to tell you, but I think Eren would want to tell you himself. Guess we are going to have to find him for you to find out what it is."

"You're saying that to get me to look for the brat aren't you?" I glanced at her.

"Of course, but don't you find it weird that Eren would leave." Hanji suddenly got serious. "What if that person he left with the the Nix we are hunting? He could be in a lot of danger."

"Which is why I drove him home before! He doesn't know what the hell he is doing and that's how you get killed."

"We need to look for him." This time Hanji wasn't messing around. She really does think that Eren could be in trouble.

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