Chapter 2

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Hey! Umm. Well. I really have nothing to say. So umm. Okay. Umm. Byee. Oh, I forgot to mention this, there will be smut in this story. So don't get your granny panties in a bunch when it comes up.




~*~Stormy's POV~*~

After Ben was done smoking, which disgusted me by the way, we walked to class together since I had no idea where I was going. It turned out that we had almost all the same classes together. And the ones we didn't have together, I had with Danny. I can officially say that I have friends. I think... Well Danny was actually being nice to me. And Ben was just making references about how "hot" I was the entire time.

"Okay. So what lunch do you have?" Ben asked.

"Hmm," I said looking. "Looks like A lunch." I said. He grinned.

"Fucking great. You'll sit by me right?" He asked, sure of himself.

"Sure. I really don't have any other choice." I said shrugging.

Once we got to algebra I sat in the back next to Ben. The teacher, Mrs. Black asked me to stand up.

"Umm. My name is Stormy, 17. I'm from Chicago, Illinois, that is the states if you didn't know. And umm. I like to play piano?" I said.

I got numerous laughs from the class and a lot of comments that were mostly negative.

After algebra I had history which was with Danny. I had to do the same thing in every class, get up and introduce my self. I was quite boring really. I got hit on about 70 times it felt like. After the day was over Ben invited me to his house. Why not? I drove over there and got out.

"Hey!" Danny said hugging me like he hadn't seen me in weeks.

"Danny. You saw me 15 minutes ago. What the hell?" I laughed.

"I just missed you I guess" he said scratching the back of his neck.

Hmm. He was acting kind of weird. Oh well.

"C'mon, I'll give you a tour." Ben said.

"Yeah. I'll come" Danny said.

~ Some time later ~

"And this I where me and Danny have sex." Ben said with a straight face

"What?!" I asked confused.

"Yeah. We are in love." Danny said plainly.

"Aww. Okay..." I said. I was gonna see how far they were gonna take this.

"I just thought I had a chance..." I said completely faking it.

"A chance with who?!" The both said.

"Oh... I don't know... One of you.. But looks like you both are in love. Why even bother?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"You still can!" Ben said.

"Nope. You guys are in love. I have to go anyway. Bye guys." I said walking away laughing.

"Bye" they both said disappointed.

I walked to my car thinking about everything that had happened today. Let see, I made two new friends I'm pretty sure Ben just wants to fuck me and I'm not really sure what Danny wants. They both seem like players.

I got home and went upstairs and threw my bag on my desk. I changed out of my jeans into yoga pants and out on Nike sandals. I say down and did my homework like the good little girl I am.

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