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Hey, this is my first ever BoyxBoy, so show me the luv!!! This idea just came to me, and I couldn't pass it by. Dedicated to sunshinegirl123 for being there ;) Thanks! Now please give a warm welcome to....


goldie523 <3


Chapter 1.

Jullian, My girlfriend, kissed me as we sat on my bed. She continued to kiss me, deepening the kiss. For some reason, It didn't feel...Special. But I went with it anyways. I sucked in a deep breath, controlling my emotions.

Suddenly Jullian's cell-phone, which was sitting on my bedside table, started ringing. She pushed me off,  insisting she answered her phone.

"Hold on, Babe." She said, grabbing her phone and flipping it open.

"Oh hey, Logan! Whats up?" She said into the phone, smiling.

Oh, Logan...Her best guy-friend whos bisexual. I have to admit, it creeps me out sometimes, but it's natural. I have nothing against peoples sexualities, it's there buisness. Logan is a great guy, I've known forever now.

"Yeah...well, we are kind of...busy. Uh, sure, I'll ask." Jullian said.

She put her hand over the phone and looked over at me.

"Hey, Tristen, Logan wants to know if we want to go to the movies with him, hes down the street right now."

I felt my heart race for some reason, but I excused it. Hm, I guess going to the movies wouldn't be so bad. I sat up and ruffled my hair, sighing.

"Sure." I replied.

She grinned and started talking in the phone again.

"He says yes! Okay, meet you outside Tristen's house. Bye."

I got up and was going to start getting ready when Jullian pulled me back onto the bed and crawled on top of me.

"Babe, I'm still in the mood. Shouldn't we finish this up?" She purred.

I sighed. Why not? She pushed me onto the bed, pinning my body down with hers, and we continued our make-out session. I'm not sure why it doesn't feel right anymore, but why would I hurt her feelings?


When we were finished, we ran down the stairs and my parents sat at the table, eating dinner.

"Hey, we're going to the movies." I told them.

"Okay, be back soon, don't stay out to late! Do you want some dinner, you two?" My mom asked.

"Nah, we're good." I replied.


We stepped out of my house and Logan stood on my porch, smiling up at us brightly. We waved and ran down towards him.

"Hey Tristen!" He said, grabbing my waiste and pulling me into a half hug.

"Hi, Logan." I laughed, pushing him away.

"So, lets head off." Jullian said, pointing towards the movie theater down the street.

We started walking and talking, laughing about things and what not. We reached the busy street we always have to cross to get to the movie theater and we stopped to look both ways. A car waved us on so I started walking across.

"TRISTEN!" Jullian screamed.

I looked back and scowled at her. She was pointing at me with terror.

"Tristen, WATCH OUT!" Logan yelled at me.

I glanced to my left and there it was. There was a loud HONK and a scream, the giant white van screeching towards me. I was trying to overcome my shock and realize what was happening when-

It hit me.

I gasped. The air was shot out of me, a force crashed into me and sent me flying, I felt my limbs turn raw, I heard a aggonizing crack. I was unable to speak. The car had stopped, but it still hit me. I gulped and breathed in sharply at the same time about ten times before everything went black and I could here people screaming. I felt my warm blood trickling down me. Then, it was like I was sleeping....

But I wasn't. I wasn't dead either. Something unreal and unnexplainable was happening.

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