Niome And Dieome: The Keepers Of Keron

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The wind blew, shaking the little hand built shack. A single flickering light lit up the only window. The setting sun in the background would have made the hut seemed peaceful, however it was anything but that.  

A sudden crashing and the breaking of glass sounded throughout the forest sending birds flying from they're nests. 


Niome was a clumsy catnis. She never payed attention where her fluffy tan tail ended up. This time, it had happened to brush across the small counter in the shack, knocking off all the glass spice jars.  

Sighing in frustration, she hurridly picked up the broken glass, and put the salvagable containers back.  

The hot flame on the otherside of the shack flickered, grasping life on the fast burning log.  

Turning to tend the fire, a rapid knock on the door made Niome stop in her tracks and turn twords the warped, wooden door.  

She opened the door in curiousity to find a short, beefy little catnis. His long curly black hair was pulled up into a tight pony tail. A large brown box was held in his creamy colored paw. His brown eyes shot up to look Niome in the eyes.  

His lips parted and be began rambleing off like anyother sales man, "Hello, my name is Duff," he smiled and took a breath, " I belive you are Niome Marriadi? Yes, yes well I, Duff the mailman dude, have a wonderful package for yoooouu!!" Duff began spinning around and sang his last words in a high pitched squeek.  

Niome looked at Duff in aw and answered with a small nod of her head, " Yes, thats me," Her voice was quiet and had a slight accent that sounded somewhat russian. Niome smiled and took the package with her tan colored paws. They were gental, and yet they seemed as if they had been through a lot of hardship.  

Looking up into Niomes golden eyes, Duff nodded his head and began walking the other way, stumbleing on a tuff of grass. Niomes looks seemed to do this to all men.  

Niome walked back into her hut and tended the fire she had been working on. Her dinner this evening consisted of a fish fillet, and some leafy greens. Sitting at the table in the middle of the room, she began eating and looked at the package Duff had given her. What was it?  

Out of curiousity, she opened the package and yelleped at what she found inside.

Niome And Dieome: The Keepers Of KeronWhere stories live. Discover now