Niome And Dieome: The Keepers Of Keron

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" I've been waiting for this opportunity," Dieome smiled at Niome. Her eyes bore into Niome's, seeming to look right through her soul.

" Do you remember that day.. Years ago.. With the coin?" she asked questionly.

Niome remembered. She remembered it all too well, and wished she could take every second back.

*-*-*-*-*-FLASH BACK*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

A sudden knock on the door awoke the few sleeping catnis in the Marriadi household. Dieome's father answered the door. The young version of Niome saw her cousin's father's face fall. What was wrong.

"Mr. Hurley Ructroff, we hereby announce you under arrest. Dieome's father jumped back in surprise as the door feel to the ground. Catnis dressed with heavy armor and large guns stormed into the hut, making it even more squished than usual.

One of the catnis, pointed his gun twords Dieome and smiled," Hand over the coin, and no one gets hurt. " He then turned twords the left and aimed it at her weak, sickly looking mother.

Dieome squeeked in protest, and looked twords Niome. She had the coin. She eyed her. Niome shook her head pretending she didn't have the coin.

" I'll count to three..., " he said as Dieome looked to Niome, her eyes filled with fear.

Niome shook her head again. She wasn't giving up the coin. I mean, no one was just going to shoot a woman right?

" one.. ", his finger hovered over the triger. Dieome's eyes began to tear.

" two,.. " tears streamed down her furred face as the man set his finger on the trigger and Niome still refused to hand her the coin.

" three..," the catnis smiled wickidly, "bye bye kitty cat," a loud bang made the family turn twords Dieome's mother. A hole could be seen right through her abdomen.

She began gasping for air. Her green eyes shot to Dieome's horrified ones. A wavering smile played on her mothers lips, "I'm so... Proud of you.. Dieome.." she slumped lifeless to the ground. Her eyes glazed over. Dieome ran over to her and began weeping. Hot tears streamed down her face. How could someone be so heartless?!

Tears streamed down her face. She looked twords Niome. A new expression shifted onto her face. Pure hatered.

"YOU!!," she screeched, "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!"

Niome began mumbling uninteligible words, trying to come up with something to say. What had she just done?

She looked down at her dirty paws. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it," Dieome growled.

With that being said, Dieome grabbed her only belonging that she cared for. The worn cloth jacket her mother had made her. She spead out the door and into the lush evergreen forest.


"I thought i'd never see you again, "Niome said.

Dieome just looked at her cousin in disapproval. What a weak, filthy, uncaring creature.

" well you were wrong.. "

Niome And Dieome: The Keepers Of KeronWhere stories live. Discover now