"Do You Love Me?" Part Two

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     (Stiles POV)

     I woke up the next morning and walked downstairs. When I got home last night, I told my dad everything. About me loving Scott and our fight. He took it surprisingly well. He tell me that I could stay home from school today.

     "Hey, Dad," I said sitting down at the table next to my dad after filling my playe with food.
     "Hey, Stiles," he replied. "Feeling any better?"

     "Nope. Still have a massive heart break." Surprisingly, I didn't use any sarcasm while saying that.

    (Scott's POV)

     When I woke up, I could smell food. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Thank you, Mom. Thank you. I walked downstairs and sat at the table. Mom put a plate of food in front of me. Then, she sat next to me and ate her food.

     "Did you get any sleep?" Mom asked.

     "Yeah, some," I replied. "I had a dream, though."

    "About what?"

     "Stiles. We were on that cliff that overlooks town. We were sitting really close to each other. I looked at him, smiled, then laid back. He immediately laid back too. He rolled on his side, put his head on my chest, and his arm across my stomach. My arms were wrapped around. We were laying on a blanket. I think we were on a date," I explained.

     Mom had a smile on her face. She said, "You see. You love him. You love Stiles."

     "What do you mean?" I asked.

     "Think about it." So, I did.

     Stiles has been my best friend for years. He was like brother to me. When he started dating that girl in eighth grade, I got really mad. Why did I get mad? Am I in love with him?

     Next, I thought about Stiles. Stiles has soft brown hair. I've always wanted to just run my fingers through his hair. His eyes. His eyes were brown. A beautiful brown. I've always loved to just into his eyes. Maybe I am in love with Stiles.

     "Mom, I have to talk to Stiles!" I said.

     I raced up to my room and threw on my red hoodie and some jeans. I ran outside to my little dirt motorbike and hurried to Stiles' house. I knew that there was no way that he would be at school today. I dropped my helet on the ground next to my bike and ran to the door. I knocked. The sheriff answered. He didn't look to happy to see me. Stiles must have told him what happened.

     "Mr. Stilinski, I need to talk to Stiles!" I said.

     (Stiles' POV)

     I was laying in room with the door open. I had finally just stopped crying. I heard knocking at the front door. I stepped out of my room just enough to see the front door.
I saw my dad walk over and open the door. It's Scott. Scott's at the door.

     "Mr. Stilinski, I need to talk to Stiles," Scott said.

     "He doesn't want to see you, Scott," my dad replied.

    Scott was about to say something else when I said, "It's okay, Dad."

    Dad walked away to tge kitchen where he could still keep an eye on us. I walked the stairs to stand a few feet away from Scott. He stepped in a little more and closed the door.

     "I'm sorry, Stiles. I mean it," He said. I was about to say something, but he didn't let me. "Just listen, please. I now that I said that I don't love you back, but I wrong. I didn't realize that I love you back until this morning while talking to my mom. I do love you, Stiles. You're perfect to me. I want you. I want all of you. Your flaws, your mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything. I just want you. I love you," he admitted.

     He was crying a little. I knew that he meant everytging that he just said.

    I slowly walked up to Scott. I placed my hands on either side of face and slowly leaned in. He met me halfway. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I wrapped my arms around neck. Our little kiss turned into a make out session.

     I heard my dad cough. He could see us. I ignored hin though. I was finally with Scott.  I was happy, truly happy.

      Scott slowly pulled away."I love you, Stiles," he smiled.

     "I love you too, Scott." I pulled him back in for another kiss.



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