let it cover you

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It's not as easy as everyone fucking thinks. To just stop and forget about it cause you can't. It's not like you can take it out a depose of it because its always gunna be there no matter how much you don't want it to be. One memory of anything can fuck you up for life and then your stuck. In that cold cold corner looking at it and replaying that moment in your head and before you know it, it's done. Then pains gone and your off into this world where you don't feel shit. It's like emotion are gone and your mind is just blanked. 2 mins after, well for me at least, your back in your shitty life. Some people are lucky. They do it so hard and deep there gone for days. I can't be tho. If I am, I could get lost and deep within my guilt and sorrows. It's shit. I hate it. Feelings, we shouldn't have them at all. That's what causes it. But once u start u can't stop, it's like a endless train of mind repeating it over and over again. It's gunna be alright just do it, come on, I'm waiting, try deeper, no not like that, harder, watch it before you go, there perfect. I swear my mind is fucking high but what can I say, it gets me through it..

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