How It All Started

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-"Honey, I'm home!!!" I say as soon as I walk through the door. Hey y'all, I'm Nettie. Actually, it's Nassiha. There's only one person in this world who can call me Nettie iis coming out right now. "Hey babe", he says before giving me a kiss.

Now, I know what you all are thinking. Sallie and I  are not together together, we just live together and are always together. I know it sounds like we're a thing, but I promise we're not. Here's our story: Sallie and I met in kindergarten. He was getting picked on and I beat them up at the swingset. We've been inseparable ever since. I didn't know it at the time, but my parents worked for Sallie's family and they got killed at a dropoff. We always ended up at the most prestigious schools, but I was on a full scholarship. I worked through my entire life. So I never wanted for anything because I always gave it to myself. Anyway, my parents were killed my junior year of high school. I knew nothing about this money we had so I thought I was about to start living paycheck to paycheck. But Sallie came to my rescue, as he did so many times before. His family moved me into their house. Well, not really moved in because I practically lived there. Already.

-Long story short, college came along and Sallie didn't want to live on campus and I understood. By that time, I understood the Mafia and all of that;  we had been friends for 11 years by then so I was bound to find out. I also knew about my inheritance and the role my parents had in the Mafia and my importance in the grand scheme of things. So! We decided to get a place together, considering we already lived together for a few years before then.

-"How was work, babe?" He asked. I roll my eyes. "You know, I don't understand why you work. We have millions upon millions. Let Me take care of you," he says sincerely. My heart starts to race and I bite my lip. "You know I can't let you do that."


Why not, Nettie? I think. Damn, y'all, I love her so much. But sometimes I don't know if I love her like that, ya know? So, I chuckle. "Girl, stop playing. But step into my office right quick." She follows me and sits down in her chair. We have matching king and queen chairs because it's only right, cause THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND, THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND (She got me watching that goddamn video). No matter what hoe I have for the moment, they know that Nettie is my Queen and that's all there is to it. She crossed her legs and folded her hands. She had that look in her eyes that makes my heart skip a beat.  "What's the issue, Diablo?" she smirks. La Diabla has arrived.

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