Meanwhile, The Russians....

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Damn, life has just taken a turn. It's been like 2 months since Nettie's been in the hospital. She's getting better, but the babies are really taking a toll on her body. They're still underweight and I know that's been stressing her out. She feels guilty about it. But they're not even underweight all that much. It's just like 5 ounces each which, when I say it out loud, sounds like a lot.
"Baby, do you think u was eating enough? I'm barely showing. I look like I'm 6 months pregnant with one baby, not three. Was I supposed to eat more? Was I too stressed? I didn't think I was stressed, but maybe I was. What if......" I stop her.
"Babe, breathe. Your heart rate is spiking. You did everything you could. Triplet pregnancies tend to be higher risk anyway. And you weren't stressed. You just caught some stuff. You couldn't control that, okay? It's not your fault. The triplets will be o...." my ringing phone stopped me mid encouragement.

*Phone Call*

"Looch (Luciano the Younger), what's up?" [Ayo, babe! Put that shit on speaker! Hey Looch!]

"What's poppin', Nasty?"

"Shit, chillin. What's good over there?"

"Same shit, though. Y'all hear about Puyul being in America?"


"Yeah. You know the guy who's girlfriend Mia befriended? So they were all chillin at his house and Puyul stopped by. He was only there for like a few minutes. But he's still in America."

"Did he recognize her?!"

"Nah, why should he?"

"You right, you right. So what we finna do? (That was Nettie)"


"FUCK YOU MEAN NOTHING?! [Ayo, babe, calm the fuck down. Your monitor is going crazy! -I'm cool, I'm cool]

"Mia has advised us to chill since he was only there for like 2 minutes. She just wanted to let us know that he's been spotted so now we know where he is."

"Alright, bet. Let us know what the plan is."

"For sure, my guy. Later."

"Later, Looch."

*End of Phone Conversation*

"Damn, bruh. I can't wait to have these babies so I can pull a muhhfuckin trigga, nigga. SHIT!"

"Ayo. chill. Make sure my babies are straight, ma," I say before I laugh, "And put your tongue back in your mouth. Don't be sticking it out unless you tryna do somethin with it."

Nassiha (Nettie)

"Stop being nasty, you turd ball," I say, while laughing.

"You wasn't calling me a turd ball last night when I was up in that gut," he retorts.

I roll my eyes. My Jesus. That nasty goat! Damn, my phone's ringing.

*Phone Call*

"Gem, what's poppin?"

"Ain't shit. Where Soren?"

"He's here. You're on speakerphone." [Ayo!!!! What's good, Gemma?!]

"What's good, Soren? I tried calling you but you ain't answer."

"Yeah, Looch called so we were on the phone with him."

"So yo heard about Puyul?"


"When y'all need me in America, cause I'm ready to fuck shit up?"

"That's my BIIIIITCH! YAS!" [ Chill, chill, chill]

"Girl, you already know what it is!! Bang bang! But y'all know he's pissed off cause I killed one of his men, right?"

"*both* WHAT?!"

"Drago called, like two weeks ago, needing help wit a dude who fucked up his bitch. Like, FUCKED UP HIS BITCH while she was in the hospital waiting for OG to get outta surgery."

"Who's his bitch?"

"Y'all saw her when y'all came to see OG a few months ago."

"Her? She ain't look like she been beat up, though."

"She wasn't, but he needed a second surgery like 2 or 3 weeks ago and she went to be there for him when he woke up and some Puyul guy came in and tried to rape her and then he beat her ass. Then Drago came in and beat him up and then he called me to take him to the dungeon."

[Pause, he needed another surgery and nobody told us?]

"We told G and we thought he told y'all. He probably didn't want to stress y'all since Nettie's been in the hospital, ya know?"

"Yeah, makes sense. So, what y'all do to dude?"

"I gave him the Gemma treatment, ya dig? *chuckles*"

"Damn, it was like that??" I ask in surprise.

"Yeah, she has a sister and I'm into her. Plus, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met. So I had no issue with it. And, you don't put your hands on no bitch if you're a man. I'm a hard ass bitch but male violence against women is not something I play with... EVER

"Yeah, we get it." [Completely get it]

"So tell Mia to let us know when he seems to know about it. Cause we know, when he gets mad, that means sumn's up and he finna come for us... HARD."

"Bet. We'll keep you posted," we both say.

"Bye, y'all."

"Bye, Gem."

*End of Phone Conversation*

"Damn, baby. We need to get you well. La Diabla has a full plate waiting for her," Soren say in disbelief.

"Told ya!" I laugh, then I wince.

"What's wrong, baby?" Soren asks, worriedly.

"Nothing. One of the babies just kicked."

"Really?" he asks, his face lighting up.

I laugh. "Come feel," I say.

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