Chapter one: FrantasticDc

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  It's been two years since O2L started. Their fame was large but behind one member there was a youtuber hopping to make it out of the shadow of her brother. Diana had gotten her video camera as Connor has promised and had made her channel.

              "Hey you guys! It's Dc. Lately I've been getting a lot of comments like "Why aren't you as good as Connor?" and "You are so not Frantastic. How can you even call yourself Connor Frantastic Franta's sister." And let me tell you, that hurts." I said into my video camera with a sigh. I looked up and saw Connor, my mentor and older brother. He was watching my vlog. He usually did but today it seemed like there was something on his mind. I smiled up at him. "So to take my vlog on a happier note guess who got a new pair of toms?" I said getting up and pulling out the last pair of toms I had gotten, they were purple with black slashes and I loved them. "They're frantastic right?" I smiled at the camera and did something that Connor and I did a lot. "Ching.... Hehe. So I'm going to go out and about and I'm going to take you guys with." I panned to the doorway about to bring Connor into my vlog but he had disappeared. I sighed and grabbed my long board, paused my video and left the house. I took my  camera out towards the mall area which was a little ways away, then hit play  "SO we're at the mall and I want to get something for Connor because he's seemed down the last few days. I'm thinking a beanie and a pair of toms." I went into my  favorite store and found a pair of Toms. They were like a cloudy sky color and I figured Connor would like them, I also found a beanie that matched in color then headed home. When I got there I'd stopped filming and looked around the house was quiet. "Connor? Mom? Dad? I'm home." I called as I closed the door and set my long board down by the door.


       Went out shopping be back in a little while. Mom & dad went to work.

P.s. Need to tell you something important when I get back.

               Great they left left me home alone, again. I went into my so called studio which was really just an unused room that I had put my desk and stuff in. I sat at my desk and started to upload my vlog footage from the day so that I could edit it. Pulling up my youtube page and I sighed. Subscribers: 30 I was never going to hit off like my brother. I turned and looked in the mirror I had in my studio. Was I pretty? No I didn't think so. Was I funny? Well I though I was. Did people often think that my channel was some sort of Jc Caylen/ Connor Franta collab. Until they saw that it was a girl. Checking my email in hopes of encouragement I found an email,  I didn't recognize the sender so I was curious and clicked on it.

                Hey Diana,

                    It's Trevor Moran.Do you remember me? I met you two years ago at the vidcon convension.  I got your email from Connor because I wanted to talk to you. Maybe even incourage you a little... :)

          You're really fun and pretty. Don't tell Connor I said that. And don't feel that you have to live up to him. You are your own person and that's all that matters. You are frantastic as you like to say for being you!  So don't ever thing your not good for anything... Because you are amazing, just the way you are!!!!!!                      I love you. Tehe. Bye :D

                 I smiled a little then played it off as Connor trying to make me feel better. Sighing I went to work on editing my video. Faintly I heard the front  door open. I got up and walked towards the door to my room with my iPhone in hand. Cabinets opened and closed. What was going on. "Diana!?" Connor called loudly from their kitchen. I sighed again and left my studio. The family called me their ninja because I moved silently throughout the house and scared everyone by just showing up behind them when I wasn't there the second before. "What Connor?" I asked running my fingers threw my hair. I did it often when I was upset. Connor looked at me like he was about to  cry. His lips seemed to be in a pout,often when he was to lazy to do something he'd look at me like that. "Diana, I'm moving out." He said finally turning away from me. I laughed looking at him. "It's about time Connor! You're twenty!" I said turning away from him. Although I laughed tears where forming in my eyes. I tried to blink them away but it failed. He'd been there for me ever since I could remember. "I'm moving to California. I'm going to move in with Ricky. " He added wrapping me into a hug. "But I will always just be a phone call away. No matter the time." Tears where now streaming down my face. I was happy for him, I knew how much he wanted to be closer to Ricky, Kian, Sam, and Trevor. I tried to smile but it was hard.  "That's awesome. I need to get back to my studio. I was half way threw editing a video when you interrupted me." Struggling out of his arms and wiping away tears I left him. I couldn't believe it. Connor leaving?

                    Hours later and in my bedroom I cried. Mad at myself for being a bad youtuber, mad at Connor for leaving me. Mad at the world because I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere. I excelled in band class, I play the sax  but I don't enjoy it and no one likes me. I post videos that barely got ten likes. Why couldn't I be more pretty? Or funny? I thought as I sat up and starring at my mirror, smoothing back my bangs that often fell into my face because I had  them curved into a fringe just above my eyes. Someone knocked on the door. "Go away." I mumbled weakly but the door opened anyways showing Connor in his pj pants and holding his iPhone like he was on the phone with someone. I glared at him. "Connor...  why do you want us to talk to your sister?" A voice said from his phone.

            Connor smiled. "Because Dc needs to hear what other youtubers think of her channel besides the ones that are on my collab. So I figured I'd call up Saywer Heartman, Joey Graceffa, Shane Dawson, and Mehgan." He said into his phone walking over to my bed and sitting down. I push him but he stayed.

              "That's the girl you sent us a link to her videos right? The ginger?" Shane said I smiled a little because I think Shane is really funny and super attractive. Connor smacked me when I told him that when I was like twelve.

        "Yes Shane." Connor replies and a series of "oh's" are heard from the backround.

        "I think she's adorable! She has her own style that's different from your's Connor and people need to stop comparing her to you!" Joey Graceffa said snapping his fingers.

        I laughed, that meant a lot to me because Joey is like an idol to me. People in the background agreed.

           "I think she's interesting but she needs to be more like IDGFA." Shane said. Connor frowned but sighed. "Shane my sister needs to give a fuck." He said. I gasped. For a hour the youtubers Connor called talked about my channel before I kicked Connor out so that I could go to sleep. I had never though youtubers that were so famous could like my channel, but they did. I fell asleep with a smile on my lips.

Hey guys I hope you liked Chapter one! Uh comment if you ship
Shane  Dawson and Joey Graceffa! I do! Shoey all the way bro!

The sadness of Connor leaving.

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