September 16th

513 20 2

Dear Louis,

The sad thing is I'm still hopelessly in love with you.

Even when you told the world what you think of me, I still love you.

While everything else is changing, I swear to you that one thing will. I'll always keep falling in love with you. I've never loved anyone like this before.

But, oh god.

What did I do? I figure I must've done something to make the one person I love more than anyone or anything call me bullshit. 

But that's okay. I wouldn't love me, either.

Look at me. I'm ugly. I'm gay. I'm in love with my best friend. I fooled myself into thinking I was a good singer. Those people? The ones who called me revolting, a fag, that I should get cancer and die, disgusting, they were right.

I want to die.

I want to die.

I'm so scared, Louis.

Why do you hate me?

Love always, forever

Your Harry

Dear Louis -_Larry Stylinson Mini Fic_-Where stories live. Discover now