September 12th

498 22 1

Dear Louis,

Niall is so excited for his birthday. It's adorable! He's adorable! 

Though of course, not as adorable as you. But who is?

I really love you. I guess you should know that by now, since I've written all these letters. Some day, I'll send them to you. So you'll see what you mean to me. I'm terrified of losing you before I can tell you the truth.

But if I don't act soon, I feel like I might.

Have you ever been so, so scared to tell somebody something? To look in their eyes, and let the words that could destroy your life move past your lips? 

Because that's what I'd be doing. I'd be telling the truth.

And in this case, the truth would hurt more than the lies.

I look at Twitter, Tumblr, Wattpad, and all those people think it's Modest!'s fault. Which in a way, it is. Because I know they'd would be horrified. Disgusted. Angry.

But it's mostly my fault. Because I'm too afraid to tell you, to lose you. SInce if I told you I might. Lose you, I mean.

And that would kill me.

Love always,

Your Hazza

Dear Louis -_Larry Stylinson Mini Fic_-Where stories live. Discover now