Step One ~ You Make A Decision

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Every step that I take is another mistake to you

-Linkin Park - Numb

"I'm sick of you Annalise!" Her father barked, slamming his fist onto the table. His face turned a violent shade of red, his impenetrable blue eyes laced nothing but fury, and his hair had become dishevelled from the amount of times he ran his hand through it. "I am sick and tired of your behaviour!"

"My behaviour?" Annalise spat in disbelief. "MY BLOODY BEHAVIOUR! GET OUT AND ENTER THE REAL WORLD, SUNSHINE. I AM A GOD DAMN SAINT IN FRONT OF ALL THOSE COWS IN SCHOOL!" Her tone became hard and from that moment she knew, as well as the other three people in the room, shit was gonna go down.

"Annalise calm down." Her mother spoke, trying her best to keep her voice calm yet dominant. Her mother didn't want any more problems than they already were, she couldn't handle more.

"CALM DOWN?! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN! TELL HIM FIRST." She threw her index finger in the direction of her father, pointing at him rather rudely. "AFTER ALL HE'S THE ONE WHO STARTED IT."

"I DID NOT START ANYTHING!" Michael, her father, defended. "YOU ARE THE ONE THAT GOT IN TROUBLE WITH THE POLICE, AGAIN!" Adding more emphasis on the word 'again', he brought his arm and a let it channel through the air colliding with the wood of the table, for the fifth time today.

"You know what?" Annalise said, bringing her voice down too such a low frequency you could barely make out what she was saying. "I don't need you guys." Her eyes became small slits and the venom from her tone, could not have gone unnoticed. "I DON'T NEED ANYONE!" The sudden change of her tone made almost everyone leap out their seats.

"Annalise I can't do this anymore." Her father whispered, for the first time Annalise could hear the vulnerability in his voice. It killed her seeing him like this, but she was too stubborn to tell him, she was too stubborn to give up. "I'm giving up. As much as I love you, I can't keep pretending that your behaviour is normal because honestly, normality is far from it."

"Dad." She muttered. Her eyes held worry and she was scared about what would happen. She feared what her father was going to say next because judging on his tone, he would defiantly carry on.

Pulling the chair from beneath the table, he sat on it, resting his elbows on the table and cupping his face between his hands. Inhaling deeply, he continued, "I thought about it for months and months, I thought about sending you there." He spoke, his head still in the clutches of his palms.

Confusion dominated almost everyone's faces. 'What the hell is he talking about?' Annalise thought. Worry built up inside her clawing away at her stomach as small butterflies grew, fluttering away, and making her feel sick.

"Dad what are you saying?" For the first time since the argument broke out, Annalise's brother spoke. All eyes turned onto him and as he carried on, "Dad, where do you want to send who?" Surprisingly his voice held nothing but panic and worry and it scared the other witnesses. The authority that was released from the depths of his throat shook the others in the room.

For as long as Annalise could remember her brother, Alexander, had always been the quiet twin. Never had he ever spoken out, never had he done anything out of line and never had he ever talked to anyone in such a powerful, dominant manner. Alexander had always been the type to stick to the rules, never, since childhood, had he ever tiptoed out of line.

In school Alex was the boy who had his head down. His brown hair used to be forever straight and pushed sideways like as if he were aiming for the 'Bieber hair cut'. She honestly did not understand why on earth he found it attractive, it looked awful, a disgrace in fact but it was his decision and as his sister she had to support that.

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