Step Two ~ Don't Give Up Easily.

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Can I just quickly say: THANK YOU! You guys have been amazing. The feedback you gave us was fantastic and we really honestly loved it so thank you.

This is dedicated to @whoatemypanda for not only making and awesome, sick butt cover but have an awesome name. The cover is too your right, (we've just planted it in the multimedia) ---------->

Thank you all and enjoy xx

So we soar luminous and wired

We'll be glowing in the dark.

Charlie Brown- Coldplay

The sun burned against their skin, allowing unwanted warmth to spread through their bodies. Sweat glands rolled down their faces as they stood in the scorching heat, waiting to be noticed.

For what felt like the tenth time today Alex extended his harm trying to hone in a cab, while Annalise, rather unhelpfully, sat on the many suitcases trying everything in her will not to fall sound asleep. Alexander continued trying to get a taxi to stop for them. Did it work? I think not.

"Why won't a single taxi stop for us?" Annalise groaned, brushing away the hair which had fallen onto her face. Turning around, Alexander glared at her and flew his index finger at her. "You have done nothing, but sit on your ass!" He complained, gritting his teeth together.

"Now you listen to me boy." Annalise began, releasing her true English heritage. "I have done more than my fair share here." Each hand held two clear cups filled with ice and flavouring. "I brought the slushes." Leaving it at that, she sucked onto her straw, allowing the ice to take over her mouth which sent a sense of chilliness to surge through her body.

Groaning once again, Alex turned around, extended his arm and yelled, "TAXI!" Annalise knew that if it was her trying to get a taxi she most probably would've thrown in a few swear words by now. Her patience didn't last as long as Alex's did, probably because she was so used to getting everything she wanted there and then.

"Trying to get a taxi to stop for you, huh? Well, that's not so easy in Australia." A voice, with a clear Australia accent, spoke. Flipping her head around, Annalise came face to face with an extremely handsome looking guy. His light brown hair was styled to perfection and his perfectly toned abs were evident through his tight fitting t-shirt. Her favourite pair of Ray Bans was placed on her head as his grey eyes pierced into Annalise's chocolate ones. "But, for you and your...boyfriend." He said looking at Alex distastefully, "I might be able to do something."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"I'm not her boyfriend." Alexander and Annalise both exclaimed at the same time. However; Mr Handsome didn't look too convinced.

"That's what they all say." He muttered, looking away from the siblings.

"He's my brother. We're twins. Now are you going to get us a taxi or shall I go find another hot guy to get us one?" Annalise snapped. The heat had got to her, and she yearned for nothing more than the comfort of a bed.

"Another hot guy? You think I'm hot," He smirked. It was safe to say he had a big head. Nah, scrap that- a massive head with an inflated ego to go with it.

In return, Annalise just smirked, knowing 'his sort'. She knew he thought he was all that. She knew he thought was the big shot. And she definitely knew, he was aware of how good looking he was. Alexander just groaned and face palmed. He knew where this was going. Annalise may have been tired, but no matter what, she liked to have fun with everything and everyone.

She stood up- off the suitcases- and let an air of confidence radiate of her. "Yeah, I think you're hot," she said raking in every last inch off the boy.

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