Step Three ~ Find Your Place

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Annalise didn't feel the need to apologise. She hadn't done anything besides be her usual stubborn self. In her opinion, Alex had totally over reacted and shouldn't have caused such a scene over such a pointless thing. I mean who cares if she didn't go to see the damn head teacher, he was probably some stuck up freak anyway. 

She lay back on her bed watching her twin brother combing his hair, not styling or spiking, combing. It was 7:05, 45 minutes before school actually started and he was already combing his hair. She tried hard to fight back a snigger; she found the situation rather amusing. Well, both situations. One of them being he wouldn't talk to her and the other being he was ready way before school started, whereas Anna was still in bed. 

"Get out of bed. You're going to be late." Alex barked.

"No." Anna scoffed. She hated being told what to do: Loathed it. 

"Okay this is getting ridiculous. Look sorry for over reacting and stuff." Alex sighed causing Anna to let out a long waited smile.

Alex didn't want this silence or rude remarks to each other to continue. In his eyes, Anna needed to get a grip and stop thinking the world revolved around her. But he would never say that to her, he was way too nice. 

"About time an' all." She told her brother. 

"I'm going now." Alex announced grabbing his bag from the side desk. Just as he was about to leave the room, Annalise erupted in fits of laughter causing Alex to turn around and send Annalise a confused look.

"You're already going?" She said in between laughter.

"Yes." Alex said.

"Wait!" Anna screamed. Alex once again turned around and let out a sigh. "You aren't going like that are you?" 

"Why what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" 

"It's too geek-y." Annalise said distastefully. She got out of bed and walked up to Alex. 

He soon realised what Anna was up to and jumped away. "Never in a million years, am I going to let you do that." 

"Alex, stop being a stubborn idiot and let me do that. You aren't going to be cool if you don't." Anna told him analysing what he was wearing.

"Who said I wanted to be cool?" Alex questioned. 

"You have to be cool if you want to fit in, Alex." Anna sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"No, I'm fine with how I look, now please let me go." Alex groaned.

"Nope." Anna said and didn't bother allowing Alex to reply. She dropped his bag to the floor and started working on his blazer. She rolled the sleeves up and overlapped the folded part with his shirt. She loosened Alex's tie and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt. After ruffling his hair a little she smiled with satisfaction. "There," she sighed happily and threw herself back onto the bed.

"Anna...what the hell have you done to me?" Alex spoke after a few moments of silence.

"Just added a bit of coolness to you, mate. You're going to be late for lessons remember." Anna laughed, but Alex didn't look too pleased.

"Anna! I can't hang around like this! Everybody's going to look at me weirdly." Alex groaned and Annalise sighed at his idiotic thoughts.

"Are you dumb? Nobody's going to look at you weird; they're going to sit there admiring you, mostly the girls, but a few guys as well, probably." Annalise informed him and he gagged.

"I'm going to be late, aren't you coming?" Alex asked and Anna shook her head.

"I'll come later - too tired." Anna mumbled burying her head into the pillow wanting to be in the comfort of sleep. 

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