The Meeting

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          I woke up startled. I kept having the same dream about a dark ally, I kept hearing the voices. I had no idea who's voice or what they were saying just that I was drawn to them. I couldn't even tell if they were male or female. All I knew was that I wanted them, more then anything. I had to be with them. They wanted me and I didn't want to disappoint. I felt like that would be a really bad decision to not listen to the voices. I took one step forward and I would be jerked back. That was it and I'd be up the rest of the night. It usually woke me up at 3, didn't matter when I went to bed. Oh well I grabbed my keys and headed out to get some coffee. I went to the 24 hour starbucks by my house. "The usual?" I laughed looking into the eyes of my favorite person ever. Mike the coffee guy. That's what he called himself upon meeting and I won't ever call him anything else. I chuckled, "Thanks Mike the coffee guy." He turned and grabbed my coffee. He had it waiting for me, that made me laugh. "You know me to well silly." I left a twenty even though my drink is only four dollars. He deserved it. Staying up all night for close to no customers. I left and headed back home to get ready for school.

          I slipped in my room right before my alarm went off. I may have a two story bedroom window but the fact that there was a tree right up against my balcony helped a hella lot. I got up and grabbed the first outfit that I found. My maid usually put outfits together for me since I hate matching. Mum was never home always flying around the world.  Dad never paid attention to me as long as I keep face we're fine.  I got dressed in our school uniform and headed back out to my car. I grabbed my coffee on the way out of my room. "You ready for the first day back?" Dad said from his office. I backed tracked and poked my head into his room. "Not in the least." I said smiled and walked down the stairs and out the door. School wasn't so far away so walking was my preferred means of transportation.

          I had headphones in so I didn't hear all the rumors flying around until I got to first period. "They say he even seems dark." "Nobody knows where he came from." "I heard he's dangerous, but hot." Everyone seemed to be whispering and at this school what one person knows everyone knows. I go to a prep school and I hate every minute of it. "I see you decided to go against dress code again Nic." My teacher said as she hands me the ever so feared pink slip that told me I had to see the principal after class. I had my blazer tied around my waist and apparently that was a big fucking deal. I rolled my eyes."I'll have to add this to my ever growing pile of them. Thank you ever so much." I said as I sat down at my normal seat in the back. Mrs.Smith started writing on the board and talking about the french and Indian war. However no one was paying any attention. They were all still whispering about this mysterious guy. Who even cared? "He's going to be starting soon. Within a couple of days actually." Taylor second in command of the popular group or as me and my friends call them the "Bitch squad" She was talking to first in command Jenifer." I don't care when he starts however if he's hot he will be mine." I rolled my eyes in disgust. She was a total slut and just recently broke up with her boyfriend and I'm assuming it was because of the new kid. "Damn Jen you don't even know the poor fellow. He might actually be sweet why in the world would you punish him with being in a relationship with you?" I said and smiled sweetly. She glared at me and flipped her hair." Damn Nic jealous you can't get a guy because you're weird? With your piercing which in case you weren't aware is against school code." I laughed. "Of course you'd fight her battles. What does she not have a voice?" I said to Taylor who now looked as if she could happily kill me and never have a regret. However I got them to finally shut up so I could actually pretend to care about what we were learning.

           Once the bell rang for us to be released I ran home. I had band practice and needed to change before I went over to Connor's house. I threw on a black shirt with my red and black flannel, black ripped jeans and my vans and got in my car. The drive wasn't extremely long however they didn't live on the rich side of town so I always felt as if I was driving forever. Connor was standing on his porch  which wasn't a good sign. "He quit! He fucking quit." He yelled at me as soon as I was in ear reach. He was obviously talking about our drummer who hates us and never really wanted to be in the band. "That's great actually. Now we can get someone who actually wants to be with us Connor." I walked to the passenger side door and opened the door."In loser we're going to starbucks." I said as he reluctantly smiles and gets in.

          I need starbucks because one coffee when I wake up early is not good enough for me. I was driving and listening to Connor go on and on about how much he hated Andy and that he was an ass blah blah blah. It didn't seem right however to get mad that someone left because they weren't happy. We got there and we went to stand in line. It was pretty empty maybe one or two people which was weird because I normally have to wait in line forever to even order then maybe twenty minutes before I get my coffee. We got coffee and Connor order some food and then we sat down at a window booth. I felt a creepy feeling and I couldn't seem to shake it. I also felt like I was being watched. I started looking around hoping to find whoever it was staring into my soul. That's when it happen. Our eyes met and I knew without a doubt that he was the new kid that everyone has been talking about all morning.

          I saw why they were whispering all morning. He was stunning. When you first saw him you were speechless, even possibly forget to draw in air. He had shaggy black hair and icy blue eyes. You could tell under his shirt he had strong muscles. This creature could not be human. No one is this perfect. I went back to his eyes and found him checking me out also. He made it back to my face and stared in my eyes and I knew he was dangerous and I should stay away. He smiled lazily and then he was gone. I blinked wondering where the hell he went. I calmed down some when Connor was finally done and ready to leave. 

          He was almost completely out of mind by the time we got back to Connor's house. Alex was already there with her guitar. "Glad to know I wasn't invited to the outing." I walked up to her and hugged her. "Hunny we weren't invited to your outing." I winked, Alex laughed at me. "Honestly Connor was in a bad mood and needed Starbucks so we went." She stared into my soul which a lot of people seem to be doing lately. "Conner needed coffee or you did?" She knew about my nightmares when they first started but I've told her they've stopped because she started getting really worried. She always seems so worried that I'll break down. "We both needed a getaway. Chill Alex everything's good." She didn't look convinced but she didn't argue.

            I went and put the info on any and all of our social media. That way the small fan base we have would know that we are without a drummer at the moment so we'd only be able to do acoustic videos. We started messing around with some cords when there was a knock at the door."I swear if he's trying to get his spot back it's not happening" Connor started getting up but I was quicker. "You sit down I'll get it." I was walking down the hall with a strange feelings that I didn't like. It was that high anxiety feeling when you know something bads about to happen. I opened the door and came face to face with mysterious guy. Then I blacked out.   

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