You Lied

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     (Stiles' POV)

     I walked home. I couldn't believe that Scott was a werewolf. Why didn't he tell me? Doesn't he trust me?

     I didn't get any sleep at all. I stayed home from school. I had twenty calls and from Scott and the others. I didn't want to talk to them, though.

     My dad came up and asked what was wrong. I just said that Scott and I had a fight. Scott came by after school. We fought.

     "Why didn't you tell me!?" I asked.

     "I was scared, Stiles," Scott replied.

     "I'm your boyfriend! You're supposed to trust me!" I yelled.

     "I do trust you!" He yelled back.

     "Well, you don't act like it! Half of the time, I don't even believe that you want this relationship! I feel like you don't even love me!"

     "I do want this! I want you, Stiles! I do love you!"

     " Then, trust me!" I yelled.
     Scott looked like he was about to cry. I was crying a little.

     "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I should have told you. Just, please forgive me?" Scott said.

     "Relationships are built on trust. I can't trust you," I said.

     "I'll never lie to again. I'll never keep anything from you."

     "I'm sorry, Scott. I want to believe, I really want to, but I just can't. Get out."


     "I said, get out!" I yelled.

     A few tears came out of Scott's eyes. Then, he left.

     (Scott's POV)

     I ran home. Mom was on couch, I walked and sat next to her.

     "Scott, sweetie, what's wrong?" Mom asked.

     "Stiles found out. He said that he can't trust me anymore. He told me to get out," I explained.

     "Did you guys break up?" She asked.

     "I don't know," I replied.

     "Okay. Well, you can stay home for the rest of the week, okay?" Mom said.

     "Thanks, Mom." I walked upstairs and went to bed.

     (Kira's POV)

     Both Scott and Stiles have been gone from school the past few days. I went to Scott's house to check on him, while Malia went to Stiles'.

     "What's wrong, Scott?" I asked, sitting next to him on the bed.

     "Stiles found out something. A secret. We fought. He told me to get out. I don't know if we're still together or not," Scott explained. "He doesn't trust me anymore. He doesn't believe that I love him. I love him. I love Stiles more than I've ever loved anything or anyone."

    "You need to tell him that," I said.

     "I tried."

     "How big of a secret was it?"

     "A huge, gigantic secret."

     "That's your problem. You didn't tell him that you're a werewolf. That's something you should have told him when you found out," I said.

     He looked at me. "How did you know that I'm a werewolf?"


     "Of course."

      I left him to rest.

     (Malia's POV)

     "Stiles, what's wrong?" I asked.

     "Scott is a werewolf. So, is Isaac. You're a werecoyote. I don't care, but I deserved to know about Scott," Stiles explained.

      "Scott was too scared to tell you. He was afraid that you would be scared of him, or not want to be friends anymore. He tried telling you many, many times. He just couldn't. He was too scared, Stiles," I said.

      "Do you think that I might have over reacted?" He asked.

     "Yes, you idiot. Of course you over reacted."

     I left to talk to Kira.

     (Stiles' POV)

     Maybe I did overreact. I love Scott. I just don't know if I can him anymore. He's been lieng to me for the past two years. Maybe we need some distance.

     I called Scott. He picked up almost immediately.

     "Stiles!" He exclaimed.

     "Scott, I need a break," I said.

     "What do you mean?" Scott asked.

     "I'm breaking up with you." I hung up and cried myself to sleep.

     (Scott's POV)

     He broke up with me. Stiles broke up with me.

      I called Isaac and told him to come over.

     "What happened?" Isaac asked when he arrived.

     "He broke up with me," I said.

     I told Isaac everything. Even my conversation with Kira.

     "Scott, what are you going to do?" Isaac asked. "You just lost your boyfriend. Are you really going to let him slip away that easily?"

     "Maybe I deserve this. The heart break. Maybe I don't deserve Stiles," I said.

      "Are you stupid, Scott? Do you remember when I first started dating Danny? We went through a hard time, but we got through it. You and Stiles will get through this rough patch," Isaac told me.

      "What do I do?" I asked.

      "Well, you start by giving him, and yourself, a few.days to cool off. Next, you tell him what you told Kira. Then, you get back together. And lastly, you spend the rest of your life proving to him that you love and trust him. Make sacrifices for him. Make Stiles understand that you want him," Isaac said.

     "How do I make him understand?"

     "By not just saying it, byy screaming it to the whole world. By showing him. One way to really show him, is to make an announcement at the dance next week."

     Isaac left. Make an announcement at prom. I think I will.





Sciles Has A Secret (Sequel To Secret Of Sciles) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now