¤The Deal?¤ [Edited]

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A/N#2: Heavily edited, you have been warned. 1/25/2021

A/N#4: Edited again, I forgot this wasn't supposed to be second person view.

She couldn't it believe herself, had agreed to play this nerdy game with Dipper.

Who knows how she got roped into playing his ultimate favorite of, 'Dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons' and out of all people, she managed to play with the elusive Grunkle Ford. According to what Dipper said, his Great Uncle Ford doesn't come out often from the basement, and when she asked where the basement was, he had never replied back.

"[Name], I can't believe you became one of them." Mabel stared in disbelief, her eyes were unable to retract from her form as she rolled a die to earn a lovely 28, stacking higher than Dipper's number which laid pitiful at a 12. "This game hurts my brain Mabel." [Name] groaned as she slumped against the wall, not even feeling sad when his Grunkle surpasses her number with a 33. "Haha!" He gleefully laughed, as if he was still somewhere in his old teen years.

"Aw c'mon!" Dipper wailed, he was forced to move back several spaces due to his Grunkle attacking his character. His excited cries of joy slightly reminded her how easily he was pleased and how relaxed he seemed. "[Name] didn't strike me the type to play such a geeky game..." Mabel muttered under her breath, despite how far the two of them were sitting apart from, she was still able to catch the words she said which expressed her envy.

She was envious that [Name] was having fun playing a geeky game, when Dipper tried to teach her, she gave up because it was so boring to play. Now, the three of them were playing, and it looked kind of fun. Other than the fact that her brain was suffering from the immense equations and math problems that everyone threw at her. "[Name]! Eat my 19?" It was more of a question instead of an attack statement which led the two of them, Grunkle Ford and [Name], chuckling at his failed confidence.

"I was sure I would roll higher..." Dipper muttered, the bad luck wasn't going to let him pass by safely now that he knew his Grunkle Ford and [Name] would have a chance against all of odds to defeat him. On the other hand, she was hoping this game would end faster because her brain cells were melting at an alarming speed of time, 'What kind of torture device is this??' [Name] mentally died inside when the game kept going on for hours.

Hours that even the entire family came through downstairs in the living room because they wanted to watch the second seasoning of Duck-tective. Mabel had brought along Grenda to come watch at her house while Grunkle Stan was ready to watch the suspense of the weird television shows they had in Gravity Falls. It came to short when Ford and Stan began to argue, she was slinking away into the kitchen.

Having to play that game for hours, she was sore. Her arms weren't the only thing sore, her legs had fallen asleep from the lack of movement, and the fact that she was even able to move to the kitchen, showed how tough it was. Shaking her legs like a weirdo dancing in the kitchen until the kitchen started losing color for some reason. Everything turned all shades of grey and black causing her to be startled.

'Where the hell am I?' She wanted to ask, but at the same time she would be afraid of what popped out and told her where she was. Not even a minute goes by and maniacal laughter was the first thing she was to hear, she flinched and warily looked around, unaware that the thing she was looking for was right above her. "You're in the mindscape kid." A pair of arms were placed around her neck as they hung around her as if they were hugging her from behind.

"I'm not a kid," Was the first thing [Name] said, she was obviously twenty one, why was this guy calling her a kid? A low rumbling of laughter vibrated against the back of her neck, she assumed he was laughing at her, which was reasonable. Out of all the things she could've said, she had to insist she wasn't a kid. "Okay, don't get so angry little rabbit." She turned to look at him, that familiar nickname was making her uneasy as she shifted her feet to hide her annoyance.

"What do you want from me?" [Name] was quick to get to the point, she suddenly remembered why he looked oddly familiar. It was the image shown in Dipper's odd looking journal and immediately, she stepped away from the floating triangle who was observing her. She didn't know if he was amused, but the fact that his eye was a little squinted from the edges, made her figure out if he was smiling or mocking her.

"Are you scared, little rabbit? Well that's understandable, everyone that meets me call me insane or crazy. Don't you pathetic humans have any other names to call me other than the usual?" The triangle seemed a little upset that no one uses creativity ever like he would when he breaks through into reality. Wouldn't it be so fun? It wouldn't be so lonely anymore and he would get as much company as he would like...

[Name] stayed silent and watched him warily, she looked just like the rabbit he imagined when he saw her cautious and warily manner from him back in the woods. He found it absolutely adorable on how cautious she acted around people, a feeling he relished the most was fear. If he could see fear from her everyday of his life, it would make a little bit of something in his boring, meaningless, 2-dimensional life worth it.

He loved the fact that she was oozing out a heavy dose of fear.

She edged away from him, her legs were fully awake, but they were trembling. So what could she possibly do about it? "What do you want from me, triangle?" She tried to muster her voice to summon up any little bit of courage she had in herself, but it came out barely passable. It was enough though, as he could hear it due to being a dream demon, he was able to hear it all.

He eyed you with interest, although you were confused if he was eyeing you or he was just staring directly into your soul. "I want to make a deal with you, little rabbit." She didn't know what he wanted and even if she knew, she doubted she'd agree to such a ludicrous deal. "No way! Dipper told me you're a madman, you hurt him, and his family. So why should I agree to your 'deal'?" She was smart, but unfortunately he was always a head of step of his game.

"You know, little rabbit, it's never good to be smart. Look at all the towns people in Gravity Falls, all innocent and dumb. Wonder what happens to them if they met me...?" He was threatening her and she knew it, what could she do about it? Dipper told her to never make deals and yet, here she was, being forced to work in a dead end deal with this one eyed bastard.

"What do you really want from me, triangle?" Narrowing her eyes into slits that didn't bother covering up her anger that was completely evident on her features. "I just need some company, nothing too big, nor too small." He nonchalantly replies, his tone was careless and bored as if he had expected the outcome. She couldn't believe it either, she was sealing the deal with this triangle freak even after Dipper hysterically warned her.

She was hesitating, if she hesitated too long, she was afraid he would hurt the towns people. They have been so kind to her when she had first gotten here, but now she was risking their lives if she stayed here. So it was her fault they were going to suffer, she could not ride out that guiltiness as her fingers wrapped around his own black sticks of fingers if that's what they were. The blue flames decorated her hands as she was hoping it would sear her skin, the expectant burn didn't come, instead he pulled her close to him as he chuckled.

"It's a deal, [Name]!"

A/N #3: I am editing all of the Yandere Series so I can work on some other stuff. 

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