Chapter 2

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    "Are you okay!?" Molly exclaimed as she picked up the carrier and put them back on the seat. Molly checked each bunny; she gave them each a treat and a pat on the bum to calm them.

   'Huh, maybe I should knock my kennel over and Molly will love me!' I thought, but decided against it.

Hours went by, boring as heck. One of the reasons we didn't get to eat was probably because then we'd have to relieve ourselves and Dad didn't take very many pit stops. Molly eventually did let me out to play. Normally I would be screaming my head off, but I decided that I didn't want to get yelled at right now. The dogs were panting and jumping up and down crazily.

"Will you two settle down?" I complained,"It's very irritating."

Finally they stopped and sat down. I went and plopped down by Max.

"So Max, where do you think we're going? Wherever it is, it's far from home. Spottedleaf thinks we're going to get dropped off at a hotel and I think we're going with Molly." I asked.

The Border Collie mix pondered before he spoke, "Well, if you're not sure then how should I know? But I did see a big sign that really caught my attention; it said 'Welcome to Minni- something', I didn't catch the whole thing, sorry."

I didn't reply because I was deep in thought. For some reason it sounded familiar, I remember Molly doing homework on the states of America. We lived in the state called 'Wisconsin'. Human names are strange. I couldn't remember the state that started with 'Minni' though. (Cats don't study this stuff every day, few even know about it).

If I could only get my paws on that piece of paper, that leads you in the right direction, oh yeah a map. I could figure out what state we are in now.

It was almost as if Molly had read my mind," Ma! Mum! Mom! May I see that map? I'm going to show the pets where we're headed!"

A second later Molly's Mom handed Molly the map. Molly quickly opened it up and pointed to Bruce, Wisconsin, our home. She made an invisible trail with her finger, "Okay, we left Bruce and drove over the Minnesota border-"

Minnesota! The state next to us! I thought excitedly. Max wagged his tail and everyone else started to whisper among themselves, marveled. Molly continued," We left this road to that road and so on until we get here. This building is we're you will be staying, it's called 'Now, Boarding.'"

Aw Man! Another vet! I'm going to test my claw on this vet, oh wait I want to keep my claws! I sighed.

"See what did I tell you?" Spottedleaf purred, satisfied she proved me wrong.

I ignored her, listening to what else Molly had to say, "And we'll be staying at the Hilton hotel! It's expensive though; I wonder what services they have. Then we are going to the Mall of America! How cool is that?"

"At least you'll have fun," I muttered. Molly petted me, making me feel a tiny bit better. Suddenly Silverhare took a sharp turn and everything tilted to the left side of the car. Before I knew it I was jammed back into the kennel. Molly's Dad parked Silverhare before jumping out.

Molly's Mom followed. They both picked up the rabbit kennel, Spottedleaf's kennel, Sadie's leash and the white box. Molly got my kennel and Max's leash. We entered the building called, 'Now Boarding'.

A tall, raven haired woman greeted us with a warm smile,"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Vincent Meyer, this is my wife Jonna Meyer and this is Molly Meyer," Molly's dad introduced us, "We wanted to board our pets for a week during our vacation."

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