Chapter 2 | What Are You Doing?!

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~ Your POV ~

Ford and I were down in the basement of the Shack, attempting to subdue a Cycloptopus. The strange creature locked onto his wrist and pulled him up the stairs. Following him, I reached the top to see he was holding the singed monster in his hand.

"Great uncle Ford!" Di-... Pine Tree said. "You need any help with that? I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to-"

"No!" Ford answered a tad too quickly. "I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark, weird road (Y/n) and I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow. Well, call us for dinner!" He walked back down the stairs and I followed him once more, but not before giving Pine Tree an apologetic look.

"Don't you ever think you're being a little rough on him?" I said, almost complaining.

"No, it's okay. This is for the best," he replied. I sighed.

"You're right; he doesn't matter anyway. What does matter is that we find him soon," I agreed. Ford sent me a confused look and then continued to sigh.

"Yeah... I don't want you leaving me after we find him, though. You're probably the only friend I'll ever have." I smiled and nodded. I couldn't leave Ford behind if I wanted to.

This person we were supposed to find... we knew nothing about him but the fact that he was the one that was going to save the world from destruction. He was the one that was going to save me...

~ Time Skip ~
~ Dipper's POV ~

It had been a few days since (Y/n) and Ford had left the basement. They hadn't left since other than to use the bathroom or eat. I thought (Y/n) slept in the living room, but I wasn't sure.

I walked down the stairs in the middle of the night having just woken up with an inability to fall asleep, and I decided to go sit on the porch for a while to see if it would help me.

I walked into the living room and saw (Y/n) sleeping on the chair, confirming my suspicions. She was missing her eyepatch and sleeping profoundly. Without realizing it I found myself sitting on the floor in front of the chair, staring at her sleeping figure. I felt like such a creep.

(Y/n)'s eyes slowly opened and she looked at me. Surprisingly enough, both her eyes had pupils, though they seemed a little duller than usual.

"Dipper, what are you doing in here?" She asked. That was even weirder. She had been calling me Pine Tree ever since she came out of the portal.

"U-um... I just couldn't sleep so I was gonna go sit on the porch but then I got distracted, so um I'm just gonna go now," I started to get up and so did (Y/n).

"No... wait, please don't go. Maybe coming out on the porch with me will help you sleep," she said, picking up her blanket and walking outside. I was a little embarrassed because I was the reason she had gotten up in the first place, but I agreed with her.

We sat down on the outside couch, and only then did I realize how cloudless the sky was. I could clearly see the moon and all the stars. (Y/n) spread the blanket over the both of us, and I blushed slightly.

"Woah, it's beautiful tonight," I said, staring at the sky with wide eyes.

"Yeah, Dip... I guess... it... is..." Before I realized what had happened, (Y/n) had laid her head on my shoulder and was snoring softly.

My face instantly heated up. I wanted to go back up to my bed, but I couldn't move or she would wake up and it'd be my fault again. What was I supposed to do?! It seemed that being outside or maybe laying beside (Y/n) had made me sleepy and cured my insomnia. I closed my eyes and lightly laid my head on hers.

She Came Through the Portal (Dipper Pines x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now