Chapter Two

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Bam smiling adorably <3


"I saw you talking to that girl, bro," Matt said as they entered the small apartment they were all sharing.

"Yeah, she was cute," Bam acknowledged with a smile.

Everybody was silent, making him look up. They were all staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

"We never thought we'd see the day when you were actually interested in a girl," Bear said with a laugh.

"Hey, I was interested in those girls who came over when we first moved out to Hoonah!" he defended himself.

"And look how well that went," Gabe chuckled. "They only came out once and we never spoke to them again."

"Such a shame," Matt said. "I have to say, that one chick was hot."

Lorelei smacked him. "Excuse me, but you've got a pregnant wife, who is standing right here mister!"

"Ooo, Matt's in trouble," Noah said with a small smile.

"Alright, alright, I've got a busy day tomorrow. I've got a few doctors' appointments. It's time for us all to hit the hay," Billy interrupted the conversation before it got too intense.

Everybody agreed and got their sleeping bags out. They found different spots on the floor, turned out the lights and laid in silence.

"Gabey and Belle, you two be good. I don't want to be waking up to you two doing things right next to me," Bam spoke into the darkness.

Matt and Rory burst out laughing. Only Bam would say something like that.

"Don't worry, we're not going to do anything," Belle reassured the family.

"We aren't?" Gabe questioned.

A slap could be heard in the dark followed by Gabe's groan of pain. The family chuckled.

"You're an idiot," Belle grumbled.

"Goodnight everyone. More," Ami called from her and Billy's private room.

"More," everybody echoed and the room fell silent for the rest of the night.

A few days passed uneventfully. Billy was doing quite well. He hadn't had a seizure in a while and the doctors seemed to be positive about his recovery. Everybody in the family was doing odd jobs to earn money so they could pay rent and save up for the trip back home. As of now they didn't even know when they were going home.

Ami, Belle, Rory, Bird and Rain had decided that they wanted a girls' day to themselves. That left the men with nothing to do. But of course Noah and Matt decided they wanted to get some new tattoos so their brothers followed along. Billy decided to stay home and rest. He was exhausted from all the doctors' appointments he had all week.

"How can I help you guys?" a voice asked as they entered the tattoo parlor.

They looked up to see a male with a smile on his face. Noah and Matt explained what they wanted as the other brothers stood around.

"What about the rest of you? Are any of you getting anything done?" the man asked.

"No, we're just here for the ride," Gabe explained.

"Alright, we don't have any appointments coming in and as you can see, we aren't very busy. We can fit you both in right now," he said to Noah and Matt. He then turned to Noah. "Our other tattoo artist is in the back. She'll be working with you today."

"A woman?" Noah asked.

"Dude, don't argue! Maybe she's hot!" Bear exclaimed. "Come on!"

Bam rolled his eyes and followed after his brothers to the back. They came to a small, clean room. There was a female sitting in a chair facing the other way.

"Hey, Addie, I got a customer for you," the man said.

The girl turned around and Bam lost his breath for a second. There sat Adelaide, looking them all over. She smirked when she saw who it was.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she asked.

"Dude, that's the chick you were talking to!" Bear pointed out.

Bam slapped him on the back of the head. Adelaide let out a laugh that made Bam smile. She had the cutest laugh he had ever heard.

"I'll leave you to it," the man said and exited the room to go work on Matt.

"So who is getting the art today?" Adelaide questioned.

"That would be me," Noah said, raising his hand.

"Well sit on down buddy and tell me what you want," she ordered.

He explained what he wanted and she took a moment to do a drawing. It was simple so it only took her a little while. She showed it to him and he nodded his approval. She was quick to transfer it to the site he wanted it. As she started up the tattoo gun, Bam found himself looking her over. He thought she was badass before but she looked even more of one giving his youngest brother a tattoo.

"I can feel you staring, you know," she suddenly said, looking up at Bam.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"What, are you too much of a wimp to get another tattoo today?" she asked, going back to work on Noah.

"I'm anything but a wimp."

She let out a sarcastic laugh making him frown. Did she really think he was a wimp? He'd prove to her that he wasn't.

"Actually, I change my mind. I want one," he said.

"I bet you do," she laughed.

He furrowed his eyebrows. This woman was frustrating. He'd be damned if he let her continue to believe that he was a wimp.

Bear looked between Adelaide and Bam and found himself smiling. This girl was exactly like Bam and he knew she was going to be a challenge, but she was perfect for him. It looks like Bam had finally found his match.


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