Chapter Nine

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Enjoy the nice little picture of Bam's abs ;)


Bam was exhausted by time he finished work that day. He immediately went home to spend some time with his family. He had been so distracted by Adelaide that he hadn't been spending much time with them. He didn't know how his father was doing and when they would possibly be going back home. Plus there were some other issues going on that they needed to figure out. Either way, they'd be going back to Alaska.

"Well it's about time you got home," Matt commented as Bam walked through the door.

"I've been busy," he responded, falling down on the small couch next to his younger sisters. He put his arms around them. "And besides, I've missed my girls."

Rainy rolled her eyes at her older brother, but pushed against his side. She had missed her older brother. He had been working nearly all day and then he wouldn't be coming home. Rumor had it that he was seeing a girl. Usually he came home at night, but most of the time when he did come home, the rest of the family was in bed. And last night he hadn't come home at all.

"We've missed you," Rainy told him, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry, girl," he apologized, kissing his younger sister on the top of the head. "I've missed you too."

"Clearly not enough to come home at night," Ami commented, hands on hips.

He looked up at his mother and gulped. He knew she wasn't going to be happy with the fact that he had spent the night with Adelaide. But she didn't need to know what he did with her. That was private information. Besides, she'd probably kill him if she knew they'd had premarital relationships. Look at what had happened with Gabe and Belle when she'd thought they had!

"I'm sorry ma," he apologized.

"You know, you've been spending an awful lot of time with this girl," she pointed out. "When are you going to bring her over to meet us?"

"Well the guys already know her..." he trailed off.

"So you're not going to let me meet her? Why even date her if you don't want me to meet her? Don't you want to bring her home with you when we go home?" she threw questions at him.

"Ma, it's not that I don't want you to meet her. We just aren' yet."

"Well then why in the world were you with her the entire night?"

"We were just talking."

"Do you think I'm stupid, son?"

"What? No! Ma..."

"Nope, just let it be. You've made your point clear."

He groaned as his mother walked away. She wasn't going to be happy until she officially met Adelaide. But he wanted to make things official with her before he introduced her to his mother. Plus he had some things to tell her first. He didn't even know if she would come home with him when they headed back to Alaska.

"You're in trouble," Birdy told him.

"Yeah, I know I am," he said with a sigh.

"I want to meet her too," Rainy said.

"You all will meet her eventually," he told his sisters. "And I'm sure you'll love her."

"I don't know. She's like a female version of you," Gabe spoke up. "I don't think we need two Bams around here."

Everybody but Bam chuckled at the joke Gabe had made.

"And I'm not so sure she would make it in the bush," Matt said.

"You guys don't know her," Bam defended her honor. "Stop making assumptions about her."

"Relax Bam. Don't get so defensive," Bear said. "They're just stating the obvious."

Bam opened his mouth to retaliate, but was interrupted by Billy.

"Cut it out. I'm sure the girl would be fine in the bush. Only time will tell though," Billy said. "For now, let's just let it go and spend some time together as a family."

Everybody agreed. Ami made the family up a nice dinner and they sat around the living area, chatting and eating. They played some games and told some stories. Bam let Rainy play with his hair for the first time in a long time. He had missed his youngest sister. He absolutely adored her. He needed to remember that family came first. Yes, he really liked Adelaide but he needed to start spending more time with the family.

Later that night, the girls were in bed and the rest of the family sat talking.

"So Da, how did your doctor's appointment go today?" Matt asked his father. Bam was glad Matt had asked that question. He wanted to know himself.

"The doctors say I am doing well," Billy replied. "It's been easier for me to form words and sentences. I do feel better already."

"That's good to hear, Da," Noah said, patting his father on the back.

"They have me figured out. I should be able to head home soon. On a bunch of medications of course," he said. Ami frowned at the medications part of that sentence. She wasn't keen on modern medicine.

"How is...everything else going?" Bear questioned.

Billy sighed. "We should be hearing more soon. You all know that is coming up, right?"

They all nodded, not saying a word. It was sad, but they had made a mistake and they needed to own up to it.

"Either way, we are all a family and we will stick together," Ami said, kissing her husband on the cheek.

"Family always," Gabe agreed, looking around at his brothers.

"More, everybody," Bam finally spoke up.

"More," everybody echoed after him.


Who knows what this other problem is that they are talking about?

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