Chapter 5

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"Mama?" Elizabeth asked Spencer, holding her hands up to be picked up by her father. He reached down and picked her up, holding her on his hip.

"She's, uh, she's-" Spencer couldn't finish his sentence and Morgan didn't make him.

He took Elizabeth from Spencer, smiling slightly when she screamed in delight. "Go."

Spencer gave a single nod and took off in a jog. He caught a bus to the hospital. He found the Operating Room waiting room and caught the attention of a nurse. "Do you know about Rowan Reid?" He asked her.

"She's still in surgery." The nurse told him.

Spencer thanked her and took a seat, anxiously bouncing his knee up and down. Bits and pieces of the past few hours were forcing there way to his mind.

"She's pretty bad." The doctor told Spencer, trying to level her blood pressure. "I don't know if she'll make it."

"She has to." Spencer urged, taking his wife's hand in his own. He gave a gentle squeeze. She didn't respond. "You have to."

They pulled Spencer away from her and pushed her gurney into a helicopter. "She'll be okay." The team reassured them.

"Rowan Reid." Spencer looked up at the doctor who was standing in the door. He tripped over himself trying to get to the doctor.

"I'm her husband." Spencer told him.

"She's alright. She'll have to rest but she will make a full recovery in a few months. She won't be able to do any heavy lifting and we won't clear her to go back into work for a few weeks." The doctor explained to him.
"You've never met my wife. She went into work three days after giving birth and less than an hour after half of her side almost being burned off." Spencer told him.
"Mr. Reid, she almost died." He reminded her. "It would be the best decision for her to remain resting. If you'll excuse me, Miss Adeline will take you to her room."
Spencer followed the pretty blond nurse to the hospital room to sit down by her bed. She was still asleep.
He called Morgan to tell him how Rowan was and to ask him to bring Elizabeth.
By the time the two hung up, Rowan was slowly waking up.
"Hey," she managed weakly.
"Hey?" He asked. "You almost died and all you can say to me is 'hey'?" He stood up to look her in the face.
"Sorry. My skills are a little bit rusty." She winced and felt her stomach, which was heavily wrapped in gauze. "Is everyone okay?"
Spencer nodded once. "Everyone's fine. Except you. He said you can't go back into work for a couple of weeks-"
"Like that's going to stop me." Rowan tried.
"Rowan," he picked up her chart and handed it to her. "You died three times on the table. You're going to take it easy for a while. Stay home with Elizabeth."
She looked through her chart quickly. "He almost did it. He almost killed me." She felt her voice break.
"But he didn't. You're still here. You'll still be here." Reid insisted, squeezing her hand tightly.
She nodded, once, then let out a shuddering breath. "Where's Elizabeth?"
"Morgan's bringing her." He told her. 
The two of the waited in silence for Morgan.
When he arrived, he was carrying Elizabeth on his hip. Penelope was following behind him worriedly.
"Mommy!" Elizabeth cried happily, reaching up to her.
Spencer picked her up, laying her across Rowan's legs. "Be careful, Ellie, Mommy's stomach hurts really bad." Spencer warned her.
"Hey, baby." Rowan sat her hospital bed up despite the shooting pain in her stomach. She felt her face go pale as Elizabeth crawled up to sit in her lap.
"You really shouldn't be doing all that moving." Morgan said worriedly.
"I'm fine." She said.
"Excuse me," the nurse walked into the room. "Only family is supposed to be in here." She sounded horribly sorry.
"Angela, this is my husband and daughter." Rowan motioned accordingly. "This is my brother and his wife. Can't you see the family resemblance? It's always in the eyes."
The nurse looked slightly taken aback but smiled brightly. "Oh- oh. I've got it now." She turned and left.
Morgan couldn't help but to bust out laughing once the nurse was gone.
Rowan shrugged slightly, playing with Elizabeth's hair. "She was going to kick you out."
Morgan put his arm over Penelope's shoulders.
"Besides," Rowan said. "you guys are the closest to family that I've got."

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