Chapter 6

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"We should have a party this weekend" I said.
"YES!!" Said Sophia.
"My mom & Nanni will be out of town on their spa trip, so we will have the house all to ourselves." I said evilly.
"You're devious" said Hunter.
"Yeah yeah" 😂 I said.
"Friday or Saturday??" Said Sophia.
"Friday" I said.
"Start inviting people!!" said Sophia.
We called every contact in our phones... Now we just had to wait for a response.
We went to the park, and took embarrassing snapchats of each other.
Sophia tried putting her leg on the swing and she ended up falling. 😂
Weston picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.
"Weston!!" 😂 I said laughing.
We walked down to the gazebo, sat there, and looked at the water. We took so many group photos.
"Brown" said Sophia.
"Brown squishy mountains" I said.
Weston & Hunter stared at us like we were insane.
"Let's go home" 😂 I said.
We all walked home & went to bed.
*texts Weston*
Me: Hey babe, thank you for such a fun night! I really needed that!
Weston: aww anytime baby! ☺️💘
Me: Good night I love you! ❤️
Weston: Good night! I love you too! 💘☺️
I woke up the next morning and I got ready for school.
Sophia was already down at the bus stop waiting.
Hey Fam!! How was school? 😝💘

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