Carl G and Ron A - You and Them II

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My heart stopped and I gave a loud gasp. I wasn't expecting to see Jessie or Rick.

I was on the floor, naked, and my face was covered in cum. Was this really happening? Did I tell really allow that to happen?

"We need to have a talk. Now."

Okay, a talk. A talk isn't bad. What could possibly go wrong? Oh gosh I sounded like one of those cliche TV shows. Jessie handed me a towel and I didn't look at her. I felt ashamed. I had willingly submitted to two guys and didn't really put up a fight.

And I had let one of them cum on my face.

I cleaned myself off, before hiding into the living room. Ron and Carl sat quietly and I frowned. I was seated in-between them and I couldn't even look at them. Was it wrong that I liked it?

Rick was pacing, and Jessie had her face buried in her hands. Ron took one of my hands and rubbed circles on it. Carl rubbed his head against my cheek. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Then, Rick opened his mouth.

I tried to ignore him, and his drawl. He told us what was right and what was wrong. He ranted about us being too young. It was decided without any consent from us.

I couldn't be around Carl and Ron, again.

I was hurt and I wanted to cry. I was on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum. He couldn't just take Carl away from me. He definitely couldn't take Ron. But he did with Jessie quietly agreeing in the background. I was sent home with a heavy heart and in tears.

I collapsed on the bed and cried. This wasn't right. It wasn't fair, but who could I complain to? I didn't have any control over the situation and I felt like I was in way over my head. Maybe it was for the best that I didn't see them. As far as I knew, Ron was still with Enid.

Carl had seemed to like Enid. So where did I fit in this? I was most likely being used. The thought hurt but I had to accept it. I needed to move on, before I got hurt even more.

I woke up the next morning and was told I was being put on inventory duty. I didn't get to see Judith anymore and I wasn't surprised Rick would do this. He seemed to be upset with me the most. I ignored the stares and the whispers. I knew people would be talking but I didn't think it would be so fast.

I smiled at Carol as I handed her the chocolate. The best part about this was I could eat anything I wanted and no one would suspect a thing. I tried not to think about Carl or Ron. They obviously hadn't thought about me. I was just a fuck to them.

I stepped outside to get some fresh air. Something crumpled up under my feet. I looked down and it was a piece of paper.

We'll figure it out.

I shook my head with a smile and went back inside. It took three days. I was in the little room counting the bullets when I heard a small knock. It was Michonne.

I panicked for a split second. Everyone knew about what happened and she was basically Carl's mom. She is Carl's mom. She was here to kick my ass.

"Can I talk to you for a second, Y/N?"

Oh no. No. I knew she was coming to kill me but I didn't know it was gonna be this soon. I nodded and closed up shop temporarily.

"Michonne? Is everything okay?"

She smiled and stepped towards the back door. I followed like a curious cat. Carl stood at the back door and I smiled.

"You have ten minutes."

She exited the house as Carl stepped in. We just stared at each other for a second. I didn't know what to say. This was the first time I had seen him in what felt like months. I leaned up and kissed him.

We only had ten minutes. I dragged my tongue down his collarbone as we stumbled around. His arm wrapped around my waist as he hoisted me up and pressed me against the wall.

Damn. I was already wet.

I was glad that I decided to wear leggings today. I could feel his erection pressing up against the thin material. The pressure was right against my clit. My head flew back against the wall and I whimpered. Carl kissed up and down my neck before kissing me.

One of his hands lifted up my leg and threw it around his waist. I was glad that I didn't wear underwear today. It wouldn't have felt this good. A hand dropped to my ass and he pulled me closer to him. Our lips were locked and for a second I wondered about Ron.

My hand wrapped in his hair and I pulled him to me. My hips rocked against his as I felt my stomach tighten up. I couldn't believe he making me cum. He was barely touching me, and I was losing control.

My teeth sunk into my neck as I came. My hips rolled and jerked against his as I rode out my orgasm. His forehead laid on mine as I unzipped his pants. I kissed him as my hand wrapped around his dick. I swiped up the pre cum and tasted it. He didn't taste bad...he tasted salty with a hint of something tangy.

Carl groaned and buried his head in my neck. It only took a few strokes before he was cumming in my hand and breathing out my name.

We barely had anytime to bask in the afterglow when I heard Michonne talking. She was talking to Rick. He was demanding to get something from me.

I panicked and struggled to pull away from Carl. He started knocking just as Carl made a dash for the back door. I opened the door and smiled at Rick. He gave a small nod before stepping in and looking around.

"Ya got anymore applesauce?"

I leaned over and grabbed it. I marked it off in the clipboard.

"Here ya go."


He walked out behind Michonne and she stopped and stared at me. She winked at me before walking away. I walked back in and a note was on the floor.

My turn next.- R

I smiled before shutting the door.


Hey guys!! I hope you like this! I love Ron Anderson and I probably will forever so you'll probably see a lot more Ron from me. Thanks for reading!!! Smooches!!!

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