Abraham Ford - No Memories

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I felt like I was trapped. The sounds of the forest seemed amplified, my head throbbed, and blood dripped into my eyes.

I couldn't remember anything from my previous life. I couldn't remember my name, where I lived, what happened to my family...

All I knew was that I was in the middle of the apocalypse fighting for my life. Thankfully, I remembered how to use a weapon. The dead things kept coming while the little energy I had was being used.

The world was suddenly spinning, as I collapsed on the ground. I could barely hear the footsteps that were approaching. I couldn't even protect myself from those things. A small hand reached out and turned me over.

"Are you alright?"

The girl had brown eyes, and a gentle smile. She brushed the hair away and inspected...whatever happened to my head.

"Are you an angel?"

She smiled while pulling a cloth out of her back pocket. She pressed it to my head, before calling out for someone.

"I'm not an angel, but you can call me Amber. What's your name?"

"I don't...I don't remember. I'm sorry."

"Shhh. Don't apologize just lay still. You look like an Imogen. I'll call you that. Imogen."

I watched as her face disappeared and caught a flash of red before I was drowning in nothing but black.

Something was beeping. It was the first thing I registered when I finally awoke. I was in a bed. A really soft bed. My head was wrapped up, and she-no- Amber was sitting there. She was drinking a colored beverage out of a straw. She looked calm as she sat in the chair staring right back at me.

"About time you woke up. You've been sleep for three days."

"What? Wha- what happened?"

"You tell me, Imogen."

I blinked as I stared up her. She was a black girl that was very short, her black hair was tied into a bun, as she smiled at me.

"I don't remember anything."


I shook my head. She came over and checked my vitals as I looked around with curiously. Where was I? It had to be a nice place with all of this doctor's equipment.

"Welcome to Alexandria. We don't have much but you're welcome to stay. If you do stay, you'll be living with me but if you leave you'll never see my beautiful face again."

The doctor came and checked me over as I wondered about Alexandria. Should I go back out there? Try my luck and see if I can figure out who I am? Imogen didn't feel like my right name, but I guess I'll have to take it for now.

I followed behind Amber, as we walked to our home. It was a small house (three bedrooms and two baths) but it was big enough for us. I saw the same flash of red before I passed out but it was a man. He was huge and I found myself checking him out.

I was glad that Amber wasn't looking.

"Well, this is it. Home sweet home. Use anything you want."

She plopped down on the couch and picked up a book. I stood around awkwardly before sitting beside her. It was quiet as I took in the decorations. It was...it didn't have a theme. It looked like she pretty much threw anything together.

"Anything you want to talk about?"

"Who is that man with the red hair?"

"Abraham? You mean the man that carried you back here?"

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