Chapter Two: The Fire dragon slayer

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It's been a week since we have left tomorrow we should arrive in magnolia. Nanny has been keeping in touch to keep me informed about how Celeste is doing. I hope she's ok.

Looking down I see Maya giggling in my arms as I walk in the forest she looks at everything with curiosity. "Oh Maya look at" I say pointing at a butterfly.

It Flys over and lands on my nose,"Mommy, mommy it's on your nose." Maya giggles at me.

I just smile and let the creature stay. Looking around I find a cave that looks dry. The night is slowly approaching, Nodding I head in and set Maya down I quickly light a candle while I find stuff to build a fire. One thing that me and May have in common is the fear of the dark.

Once the fire starts I pull a sleeping bag out of the bag for me and Maya to share after eating so dried up meat we drift to sleep.

***Four hours later***

Waking up in the dark is not something I like to do but when adding a giant mobster staring at you will make a girl scream and thats excatly what I did.

***Erzas pov***

I look around as I hear a deafening scream. My fighting instincts kick in as I run toward where the scream seems to be coming from. Shit it's a Goliath I think as I see it hovering over a girl a little younger than me. Before I call my armor to equip the girl yells something that freezes me something that only Lucy can do.

"Open gate of Leo," as soon as she says it he appears. "Leo I'm sorry for calling you here unannounced but please it's dark and.." Before she she can finish her words the Goliath  had grabbed her she screams something sounding like protect something and suddenly Lol had a child in his arms.

Unfrozen from shock I yell," armor equip fairy queen"

Fast a destroy the beast I look at Loki as he looks over the girl," Loki how did she call you without a key and doesn't Lucy have yours?"

Loki nods,"yes. But it's not my place to say carry Maya with you please I'll carry Ayria."

With that he puts the crying child in my arms. As he grabs the mysterious girl.

***the next day Ayrias pov.***
I wake up in a strange room that's unknown I jump up as I hear Maya cry soon everything comes back to me I run out the room with my slayer speed into I giant rom that has a lot of people I look around and see a girl holding a crying Maya anger sticks me as I scream" open gates of Leo , Maybith,  and crisis"

Soon everyone is staring at me," Maybith, Crisis grab Maya. Leo what the hell? I asked get her away from danger I thought you were my best friend" shaking my head he goes back to the Celestial world. And I run to my two loyal Celestial spirits.

Grabbing the sword the girl who was holding Maya had I get infront of Maybith and Crisis" if you let us go no one will get hurt. "

Everyone is still staring in shock before anyone can do anything Nanny appears. " Miss Miss. I'm sorry but Celeste is gone she just vanished"

"What? What do you mean? A dragon can't just vanish? I haven't even found Igneal yet. Damn it damn it damnit!" I yell to her and myself I slide to the floor.

"Mommy what wrong? Why you cwying" May asks.

"Nothing sweety just nanny told me somthing about Celeste that's all don't worry it'll work out."

I start to shake and have a panic attack. Shit shit shit. "Not again not again. Nanny take Maya and I to magnolia please we have to find Igneal he'll know what to do please."

Forgetting I was surrounded by others I jump as someone clears their throat I jump up and see a small old man looking at me." Miss you are in Magnolia already. May I please ask why you need to find Igneal and what's happening?"

I look at him before touching his face," papa is that you? No sorry mr. You just look like my grandfather haha sorry. But I will but not around others please"

He looks at me closer," Annabelle? Is that really you?"

"Umm sorry sir my names Ayria I was adopted by Celeste the celestial dragon."

He frowns," oh that's all right come on dear your spirits have already left."

I nod as I head up with the old man. Once in his office I start to explain for some reason I trust him," Celeste I'd like my mother she found me when I was little and raised me while teaching me Celestial dragon slayer magic. A year  and half ago we rescued Maya from a bad guild I believe they are called her parents were slaughter. I raised her as my own since then and became her mother. 3 months ago Celeste started getting sick she told me to look for Igneals  son, and that he would help me find Igneal to heal her. The only thing she told me was that he lived in magnolia and that he was a dragon slayer too."

Once I was finished explaining he nods his head," we will help you. You see this is Fairy Tail  and I'm the guild master you can call me gramps if you would like you may live here and join. You can go on quest and you and Maya will be safe from whoever took or made your mother sick. And a certain dragon slayer lives here that might be who you're looking for."

Ayria The Celestial Dragon Slayer On Hold (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now