A beast's Inner turmoil

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It was late at night all inkling and sea creatures alike deep asleep

(Jason's Apartment, Lizers room)

Lizer was running in a forest panting heavily (*pant*...*Pant*...*pant) *where am i* she thought as she kept running. she could hear something following her. it sounded like a rabid beasts pants and growls

She ran faster (*pant*..*pant*) but she could still hear it steadily approaching. still running Lier tripped over an unseen tree root and tumble rolled down a small hill.

"Uuhh!!..Aahh!..Oohh!" when she finally stopped rolling into a bush , she shook her dizziness away and started to look around. 'it looks like i lost whatever was chasing me.' She sighed getting off the ground. "Man what was that"she asked herself . she started walking slowly trying to find a way out of this forest, "*why am i even here? Where am I anyway "she thought brushing a few bushes aside trying to find her way out, her thought was interrupted when she started to hear a faint but close sound. 

Lizer made her way towards the sound, the more she got closer the more she could recognize it sounded like crying, someone was crying.

'Sniff...pl please...Sniff someone help me'. Lizer went through some more bushes and she saw this little girl all by herself Lizer couldn't see who the girl was due to it was very dark.  Before Lizer could try to reassure her she hears rustling behind where the girl was sitting and crying. Lizer's eyes adjusted  to the dark a little. Her eyes then widen as she saw what was behind the crying girl, pure red eyes were staring directly at Lizer. Slowly a strange four legged creature started to creep forward, Paralyzed with fear Lizer just stood there. 

Finally the creature roared and pounced,Lizer screams as she jerked awake panting and sweating like crazy. She felt her chest starting to hurt and her breathing  was getting unstable, reaching in her bag Lizer quickly grabbed her medicine and struggle to reach the bathroom. 

(in the bathroom)

She quickly opened the lid and took out 2 yellow pills, panting she put them in her mouth and drank the ink safe water swallowing them. She slowly sat down till her breathing regulate, "*pant..pant..* that was a close one" she said quietly and started to get out of the bathroom and made her way back to the her bedroom 'Sigh...thank Cod i didn't go berserk again.' She thought as she climb back to the bed. 'But what was that creature? It's eyes looked oddly familiar.' She pondered but slowly starting to fall back asleep.

Little did Lizer know there were claw marks on her pillows with blood red ink on it  



who!! 2 chapters in one day gonna go start the next one 

let's see what else...Oh don't forget to like, vote or whatever this site uses

and lastly is there anything i need to fix is the story progressing well let me know in the comments 

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