Take Care.....

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"Ok everybody's set on the plan?" everyone nodded but,Ella and Kai still looked worried. They were still skeptical about the plan. Beatrice noticed their discomfort.

"Ella, Kai I told you already the shock won't kill her, granted it will hurt like hell for her though." Her words seem to have an opposite effect and they both worry even more.

Beatrice apologizes" Sorry, I mean she will be fine."

The team went about Beatrice's plan. Jason cut several wires from the lights that were hanging by the ceiling in the old hallways. Kai and everyone else changed their color to Jadeand Jason's natural green and covered their ink everywhere.

Beatrice and Red stood aside as to not get hurt by their ink. Everyone paused hearing the snarls getting closer.

"Alright everyone get into position."Beatrice ordered. Everyone nodded. Ella went and stand at the center of the old hallway. Kai and Sky remained just a few steps away in case things got wary. Jade and West were back up and Beatrice and Red readied their OctoShot and Jr in case Silva decided to interfere.

Lizer ran to a stop at the site of the green ink everywhere. She smells that everyone was there,but her interest was only in the female inkling standing in the middle. Her scent was familiar and she didn't know why.

Silva began to laugh at the site off Ella alone in the hallway," Do you seriously think that standing there alone and changing your color will do anything to stop us. I case you've forgotten she's an inkling to." She pointed at Lizer then looked around and said in mocked," And I know your little group is there. Why don't you all just give up and die already , I want my alone time with C2 here."

Lizer growled and began creeping and licking her muzzle up at Ella, her ink color changed as well only her tips still remained red." Why do you want Lizer, she's an inkling? Why don't you bother like your own kind?" Ella asked distracting her as Lizer got closer. Silva was taken back the sudden questions.

"There's just something about her I really fancied. I can't quite put my finger on it. We're both the same so naturally we belong together." She answered." But since you're not mutate like us you wouldn't understand what this DNA does to us. We run on instincts, senses. And since my instincts wants her. I'll do just that. " She stated 'as a matter of fact' voice.

Ella's jaw tighten, fist clenched. No matter what she did not want to lose Lizer and let her end up like her brother. Those countless experiments had broken him and driven him to insanity. He was convinced that killing everything 'even Lizer' would be enough for his twisted mind.

"Instinct or not I'm not going let her be yours!" Ella said determinedly.  

"Hmm... you seem to be very attached to my new mate." Silva mused."Why is that?" She raised a brow at the turquoise Inkling.

Ella growled at Silva"Well it's because Lizer is mine! And I won't let anybody take her away from me especially some crazy lustful bitch Octoling like you!"

Now it was Silva's turn to growl. She sent Lizer after her." Kill this bitch now!" She commanded.

Ella smiled. Here goes nothing. Lizer bared her claws at Ella, she yelled 'now' and dodge her lunge. The gang threw Electrical wires land into the green ink and began shocking Lizer.

Lizer's body began to feel the sharp pain coursed through her and she howled, thrashing in pain.

Ella and everyone else was safely hanging from a powerless cord. She closed her eyes as she didn't want to see Lizer thrashing in pain.

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