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I thought I'd write in Connors POV for a few paragraphs.

The rest will be in Ava's.






I slipped on the scrubs and made my way to where the newborns were kept. I was thankful that I had a 'spy' working with me.

I looked in each bin until I finally found one with the label 'Carter Malik' on it. He was beautiful but this should be my baby not his.

I picked up his small, cold body and cuddled him closer to my chest. He looked up at me with blue eyes and made a sour face.

"Oh god, please don't cry" I whispered to the teary eyed baby. His mouth opened and let out small cries. The other nurse stopped me.

"You can't be in here sir" she said firmly.

"I'm just taking this baby to his operation" I said.

"Operation? Carter Malik is not scheduled for operation and it's critical that he stay in his bin. Sir I'll need some I.d." She said.

I pushed past her and ran towards the door. I could hear her calling for security nod for other doctors that weren't busy at the moment.

When I reached the door two large security men and a few doctors were there waiting for me along with 'him' and his 4 gay band mates.

"That's my baby!" He yelled to the doctors.

The security guy shot me with a needle that made me felt numb and a bit dizzy. I saw the baby being taken from my arms and soon everything around me got dark.


I could hear some commotion going on outside my room but I was too tired to get up to check it out.

Liam and Niall came into my room with shocked faces. "Ava are you ok?" Liam asked trying to catch his breath.

I nodded my head an happily took Ryan from Nialls arms. "Where's Zayn" I asked.

They both looked at each other and sighed. "They just caught Connor trying to kidnap Carter" Niall said.

It felt as if everything around me froze. Connor was here and he tried taking my baby boy. MY BABY.

Mess with me but never mess with my child. Don't people know not to mess with a stressed woman who just gave birth not even a week ago!

"W-where's Connor now?" I nervously asked.

"He's passed out now but, when he wakes back up they're gonna question him" Liam said.

I sighed. "Get Zayn in here please" I whispered. I really needed Zayn and no one else right now.

Soon a stressed and angry looking Zayn came through my door. "Did they tell you?" He said.

I nodded my head and he sighed. I scooted over on my hospital bed to make room for him to sit down.

He took my head and whispered a 'sorry'. I didn't know why he was sorry its not like he could've prevented my crazy ex from trying to kidnap our son.

"It's not your fault" I said and looked down at Ryan who was falling asleep again.

"I should be the one protecting you guys not letting you or the boys get hurt" he yelled.

He looked down at our sleeping baby and his face softened. "Sorry, I'm just really upset" he muttered.

I brought my free hand to his jaw and pulled his face closer to mine.

"I love you and so do the boys" I whispered before our lips met.

Louis and the rest of the boys came through the door and screamed. "You're already making more babies!" He yelled again.

"Shut up Lou, Ry is sleeping" Zayn growled. Louis' face turned red and he took a seat on the couch.

These boys are gonna have one hell of a life.






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