Mr. Possesive ~18~

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When A Player Meets Another Player:

*Sean's P.O.V*

I looked at myself on the mirror while getting my hair a little down. "Sean! Sean Johnson!" My mom called from down the stairs. I sighed rolling my eyes and walked away from the mirror. "Coming." I said clsoing the door to my room. "Good night Mr. Johnson." A maid smiled at me. "G'night!" I smiled at her making my way over to where ever my mother was. When I was about to call out for her she spoke scaring me a little. "Sean Johnson." I turned around and gave her a 'what-the-hell' look. "Don't you dare give me that look. Sean, your cousin left last night and you didn't even say good-bye. You went out instead over to Kyle's. I mean, Sean you're putting your friends before family. Friends come and go Sean. Family doesn't. Family stays together always." Mom said walking around me with her arms crossed over her shoulder.  "I'm sorry, who is the only one who visits Eleanor weekly?" I asked scowling at her. Mom put on a shocked expresion and I didn't regret it once. "Sean... Eleanor is-" I cut her off before she could go any farther. "Don't say it. She's out there in that ridicolous hospital gown she hates so much because of a silly cold." I said. "Sean lower your voice." Mom whispered. I didn't realise that I've been yelling at her. "I have to go." I simply said walking out of the house. Getting on my dad's car I drove away.  "She's still at the hospital." I whispered. 

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I hold tightly to the steering wheel, causin my knuckles to turn white. Taking a deep breath in I closed my eyes counting until ten. I know thing for kids. Well not just for kids. Teens and grown ups too! I let all my breath out along with my anger and sadness my eyes open once again. Getting out of the car I heard the music from far away. I was at least one block away from the house. "No, no, is fine. Go leave like the rest do." I heard a girl speak. I looked behind and she was walking fast. She had red hair in layers that bounced once in a while when she walked. She passed by me and threw her phone on her black small purse fighting to find something. "Found you!" She smiled. Keep in mind that I'm behind her.  Bringing a cigarette up to her lips she turned it on with her lighter. "That ass will get something cold like he did to me." She whispered as smoke came out of her mouth slowly. "Are you following me?" She suddenly asked turning around.. She had her eyebrows the same shade of her hair, a light light shade of brow eyes, and soft pink lips. "No. I was heading to the party." I said pointing at the house. "Oh, fellow from Shadow Hills?"  She asked bringing the cigarette up to her lips again. "Yeah, you?" I asked now walking by her side. "Yeah. Sadly stuck with all this people." She said breathing it out.   "I get you. Too many people you hate in one place stuck with you for years." I said looking up the sky. "Yes." She said shaking her head. "So what's your name?" I asked her.  "My name's Imogen, yours?" She asked looking up at Sean. Well she obviously isn't from the girls that chase me. That  I'm glad. "Sean." I said shaking hands with her. "Well, let's see how this goes. Sean, I know we just met and all but we are a couple. Ok? You see this guy, Tyler Andrew, he just did something awful to me. I didn't like it. So can you be my  hero for the night?" Imogen asked. Well this is perfect! "I'll be your hero for the night if you help me out on something." I said squinting his eyes. "Please don't turn out to be a perv." Imogen sighed dropping her cigarette on the ground stomping on it. "No, not at all. I want you to help me out with a girl I know. You must know her." I said crossing my arms. "Ok, who is it?" She asked scowling. "Abigail Parker." I said rolling my lips to a thin line. "Oh yeah. Mrs. Player." Imogen rolled her eyes. "Wait a minute! Abigail Parker. Then you are Sean Johnson ! Oh gosh this is perfect! We'll help each other out. Is a deal!" Imogen grinned looping her arm with mine. "Good. Ready babe?" I asked with a chuickle. She chuckled and puckered her lips and closed her eyes nodding.

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