21: Devil Dressed As An Angel

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I reopened my eyes for the third time, the sight of Ashton's gray interior getting quite recognizable. He had been driving around for at least an hour with music playing as I stayed lounged back in my seat. I begged several times for him to just take me home so I could rest peacefully in my own bed but he refused. I knew he was truly bothered the moment he lit up a cigarette in his own car. He never smoked in his car. I had learned that from the beginning.

My headache was too much for me to argue with him. After my first few attempts I settle and decided to let him cruise around town as he pleased while I tried to nap for what small increments of time I was able to.

The sun was up and was as warm as it had ever been in quite sometime. It felt like winter had finally bid it's goodbye as the sun's beam kept me cozy from the slightly cool breeze blowing through the cracked windows.

I honestly didn't mind sleeping in a car as someone else drove me around, I had no problem dozing off at all. It was always relaxing to me. However, this was Ashton in the driver's seat. Not my first choice for a chauffeur at that moment.

I looked over as he flicked the little pinch of his second cigarette out the window then ruffled the curls on the top of his head. I could tell he was frustrated and trying to blow off some steam. The argument he had with his step father had seemed to really agitate him. I didn't catch much of their discussion other than the fact that he wanted Ashton to do something that he certainly didn't agree with. Of course Ashton would never clue me in on anything and I was left to be a detective, putting different pieces together myself. Despite our constant fighting, I felt somewhat sorry for him and the way his step father yelled at him.

"I know..." Ashton's voice spoke softly, a deep sigh following as he lowered the sound of the stereo. "I know that you're asleep and you'd much rather be in your bed right now..." he trailed off, his eyes staying attached to the road.

I closed my eyes instinctively when I realized he assumed I was still asleep. Ashton paused for a moment and I could hear is breath grow deeper like he was struggling to get the words out, "But I really didn't want to be alone. Everything just gets hard sometimes... so thank you."

My heart broke at how vulnerable Ashton had let himself sound even if he thought I was sleeping.
I was angry at myself for giving him sympathy after the way he had treated me but I couldn't help myself. Ashton was awful to people, me in particular, but even the meanest soul on earth doesn't want to be alone in the end.

The car fell back to silence before he shifted the volume back up and I had to wait a little before pretending to wake up. I shift around slightly, letting out a huffing sound as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Sleeping Beauty has woken... for the billionth time." He stated as I popped my seat back up from reclining.

"Well maybe if someone took me home like they had said..." I retorted, rubbing underneath my eyes. I was positive I looked like a raccoon by this time. "We have been driving around forever and I reallyyyy need a shower." I complained, beginning to pull my long hair into a pony tail.

"I'm sure you do after rolling around in the sheets with Lu-"

"Don't" I lifted my finger up. "Go there." I breathed out.

I honestly was finding it hard to keep my mind off of Luke but that was the last thing I would want to discuss with Ashton. Even though it seemed to get under his skin, I found it way too awkward now. It was easier when I was drunk and careless. It was a topic for Sage's ears.

I questioned why I even left with Ashton in the first place. We definitely weren't on good terms. Maybe it was just out of habit? A stupid habit at that. However, it was either leave then or face more awkward conversations with Luke. I hoped we could go back to normal and not have our 7 minutes ruin our friendship.

But it was so nice

My mind reminded me as flashes of Luke and I tangled in each other's embrace played. It felt so wrong thinking about it but it felt so right while doing it. For a split second I caught myself wishing to relive that moment again.

"Do you mind if I chill at your place for a while?" Ashton asked.

"If I say yes does that mean we can go now?" I dropped my head back onto the seat basically pouting.

"Sure." He nodded and let out a chuckle.

"Then yes." I answered, hoping I wouldn't regret my decision. "As long as you agree to be nice." I added on.

"Nice?" Ashton's voice was questionable as if he didn't understand the term.

"Yes nice and don't give me that 'I don't know what nice is' bullshit because I know you do." I dished out before he could say something.

He stayed silent and nodding, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. I could see the hint of a grin. I'm sure he was trying to hide it.

Ashton had been so cruel the night of Michael's party and despite the fact that the sweet side of him had been a lie, there was still a small percent of me hoping there was some truth to it. Our bickering was quite fun but I didn't want it to last forever. If he was really going to be watching over me as much as him and Matt made it sound then a civil relationship was needed.

"Thank god." I said as he pulled in front of my place and reached to grab my bag from the floorboard.

I was out of the car and through the door in a matter of seconds with Ashton following behind me. He dropped his keys down on the table and fell onto the couch, easily making himself at home.

"Sure, ya know. Just make yourself at home." I chuckled as he reached for the remote to the T.V. and grinned from ear to ear at me. I just shook my head, "I'm getting in the shower."

I walked straight upstairs to the bathroom, shutting the door behind and let my bag slip off my shoulder. I turned to look in the mirror, reaching up to undo my pony tail when I notice a dark patch of skin on the side of my neck.

"Oh god..." I whispered to myself and leaned in closer to examine the hickey left on my skin. My finger traced over the purple mark and even though I should have been mentally cursing Luke for leaving it, I smirked instead. His words from that morning went through my head...

"I guess it was just me who really enjoyed the whole 7 minutes thing."

No, Luke. You definitely weren't.

I huge sigh of relief left my lips as soon as the warm water rained onto my skin. I had been around people non-stop for the past few days and needed a time to relax by myself.  I eventually had to kick myself out of the shower before I turned into a raisin. Taking a towel from the closet inside, I dried down and wrapped it around my body. After I brushed my teeth, I scrambled through the bottom of my bag hopelessly looking for my concealer. I tried my best to cover up the mark on my neck, coating it with several layers. It didn't fully work but it wasn't drawing as much as attention as before.

When I was done Ashton must've heard me open the bathroom door because he immediately asked if he could take one as well in which I told him I didn't mind. I hurried to my room and realized I had left my bag and clothes laying on the bathroom floor. I rolled my eyes, quickly turning to go back and get them before Ashton got in the shower. I piled my clothes into my bag, pulling it over my shoulder with one hand as the other securely held up my towel. I turned to walk out of the bathroom and smacked face to bare chest with the curly headed brick wall.

My eyes widen, my heart racing as my eyes slowly trailed up from the bare chest to Ashton's face peering down at me. I was close enough to see the new stubble on his recently shaved chin that lead to a perfectly constructed jaw. I then caught myself stopping at the lips I had already had the pleasure of getting to know before making it up to the hazel eyes that were already watching me intensely. Ashton finally cleared his throat, snapping us both back from each other and he stepped around me in silence. And with that, he was gone and shut the bathroom door.

I clenched my jaw tight, hiding back inside my room. I was angry at myself for staring for so long. I wanted to hate this kid so badly but him looking like a gift from god made it so hard. I wanted to strangle him this morning and now this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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