17: Change of Style

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"I have no clue what I'm doing." I admitted with a look of innocence as I stared up at Sage. She was wearing a pair of heels that made her taller than me by a long shot. I was slightly jealous the way she could make them work with such a casual outfit of a regular t-shirt and high waisted shorts. Between her and Luke I felt like a small child walking with her parents as we trailed through the mall.

"I know, sweets." Sage said giving me a sympathetic look and hooked her arm with mine. "And that's why I'm here to help." she smiled generously.

"And me!" Luke exclaimed on the other side of me, looking at us through his sunglasses with his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Luke, take off your sunglasses. You look like an idiot." Sage laughed causing Luke to pull them down just enough to peek over them and shoot her a glare.

He shrugged, pushing the black sunglasses back onto his face. "Hey, I like it. It dehumanizes me, makes me less approachable." he smirked in a cocky way and Sage rolled her eyes.

"He thinks he's cool." she whispered loud enough for him to still hear.

"I am cool!" Luke scoffed, looking away from us. I couldn't help but to laugh at the both of them, "And may have had a little too much to drink last night. I still have a headache."

"Wait, what about here?" he stopped, a store catching his attention. I examined what clothes they had in the window. They were definitely the opposite of what I would originally wear. I could picture Sage wearing them rather than I, but that was the point. I was willing to consider whatever they suggested. If I could look half as good as Sage did in her clothes, I would be set.

"Holy shit, is this new?" Sage let go of my arm and stepped closer to the shop entrance, completely mesmerized at the outfits that were clinging onto the mannequins. I giggled to myself as she confirmed my assumptions of her liking the clothes.

"Well I guess we've found our first stop." Luke chuckled as we simultaneously glanced at each other after watching Sage drool all over the window.

"Yes! This is perfect!" she eagerly rushed into the entrance, her skinny heels clicking against the floor. Luke and I trailed behind her as she already began digging through a rack of clothes.

I gazed around the shop, eyeing all the potential clothing. Surprisingly, I found a lot of it appealing but I didn't think I could pull it off. But that's why they were here-- to teach me and to save me from embarrassing myself.

"Hey, this is pretty hot." Luke said slipping off his sunglasses and tucking them onto the collar of his shirt. He reached over and pulled of a hanger from a rack nearby, recommending it to me. I looked down seeing the black crop top held to my chest. It had thick straps and a fancy crossover style that came with a deep neck line. I knew that it was made to cling onto your body. A small sarcastic laugh slipped from my lips and I shook my head.

"I don't think I can wear this." I acknowledged and glanced up at Luke. The lights were a bit dim in the shop so it was kinda hard to take him seriously with the sunglasses.

"Why not?" he asked as he looked back at me completely confused.

"I mean, I don't know if it would look right on me." I shrugged, pushing the shirt back toward him.

"Of course it will! At least try it on." he insisted, practically forcing me to take the hanger.

"Okay, fine!" I gave into his peer pressure and rested the shirt over my arm. I scanned my eyes around looking for Sage who had already gotten lost in her own world. She was digging through the clothes like she was getting paid to do it. I wondered if I should try looking for outfits myself but I soon came to the conclusion that it would be best if I left that to her. Sage obviously knew what she was doing.

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