The New Girl

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May had arrived. People were still recovering from the crazy food fight. Mostly everyone teased me. Including Andrew. I thought my first real relationship (yes, my first) had begun, but I was wrong. The only person not teasing me was Karnevieve Louiskinson. Weird name, huh? She was a freshman. New girl. She's always been teased for her weird name and apparently strange clothes.She dresses like everyone else, in a uniform! She's so shy and quiet. People started to take advantage of her. She reminded me of Timmy Lupus from The Bad News Bears. I decided to say hi. She was leaning against her locker.

"Hi!" I said perkishly. If that's a word. She just looked at me.

I continued to speak. "I guess we haven't officially met. I'm Srina Conufal. I'm a freshman. Welcome to John Barker!"

"Do you even like this school?" She asked me. I can't believe that's the first thing she asked me. At my middle school, I was the new kid greeter and never in my greeting career has someone said that to me.

"Honestly, no. The teachers are strict, the students are mean, and the uniforms are itchy." I whispered.

"Good. Then you're someone I can talk to. By the way, my name's-"

I stopped her right there. "I know your name."

She stared at me funny. "How?" she asked.

"It's, um, Emma?"






"Give me a hint."

"Begins with K, ends with E"





"I give up! I guessed too much. Will you just tell me what -"

She interrupted. "Karnevieve. My name is Karnevieve."

"I do know your last name."


"Mr. Wyatt calls you Miss Louiskinson."

"Oh yeah, that bald droner."

We both laughed. I knew I'd like her.

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