After fight

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Frank's POV:

I wince as I tend to the wound on my lower lip. I still can't believe we got away with that. I mean seriously, losers against jocks and winning... It's barely believable especially when we go to a prep school. Well at least we didn't get too bruised up... ok scratch that, Mikey can't breathe.

"Dude what happened to your inhaler?!" Gerard yells at him. But since he was wheezing too much he couldn't answer.

"Jesus christ get your spare one before you die!" He yells again.

"Alright keep it down man, we don't want to be found out." Ray says while walking out of the bathroom stall with some toilet paper. He presses it up against his forehead to stop the bleeding.

"Do you think we'll have to go to the hospital?" I ask laughing and spitting out blood into the sink.

"I really hope not." Mikey gets out, finding his inhaler and finally being able to breathe again.

"Oh good, you're not dead." Bob says sarcastically, walking in with a first aid kit.

"Glad you care so much." Mikey replies, coughing.

"No, of course" Bob says sarcastically, throwing the first aid kit to Gerard, "Now let's go."

I watch as Bob and Mikey leave to go get us some spare clothes... since ours were ripped and caked in blood.

"Yeah umm... I might want to go to the nurse...I think I see bone." Ray says as he starts to leave the bathroom after them. "I'll be right back."

"Wait, you can't go out there" I say, "People will turn us in."

"Well then why the hell did you let Bob and Mikey go?!"

I pause for a second and look at Gerard in horror. "Fuck." we say in unison.

At this moment Bob and Mikey barge in looking scared shitless.

"We may have gotten caught..." Bob says.

"Crap, we knew it." Gerard says. "What happened?"

"Well walking down a hallway covered in blood is a bit distracting to some people don't you think? .... We should really go..." He sighs.

"You think?" I say sarcastically, raising my voice a bit. Gerard looks at me and I could tell he knew I wasn't that mad. I'm kind of excited actually.

For obvious reasons, we bolt out of the bathroom. I'm the only one laughing though.

Once we get to the courtyard we make a beeline for the bleachers in front of the field. Well... underneath the bleachers to be more precise.

"Alright what the hell do we do now?" Ray whispers. I look through the cracks in the wood and see some students talking to a teacher and pointing towards us.

"I think we should try to get home, look." I say. They look where I'm pointing and get up quickly.

"We'll have to leave through the back, I think we can make it without being caught if we go now." Gerard says.

We make a plan to go around the back of the bleachers and through the trees to get around the building. Once we get there then we can easily get to the parking lot and drive home... fast.

"Okay get ready to run," I say as I see the principle and a few teachers coming our way. "Alright go!"

As we run to the shelter of the trees, I hear the students cheering. When we make it, Bob stops us.

"They were cheering for us you know." He says, "We are so awesome! High five?"

Laughing, we each give him a high five.

Five minutes later we make it out of the woods and into the parking lot. We pile into Mrs. Way's minivan, which Gerard now drives. He gets some rude comments from the more popular kids about it but he doesn't care because the car is really comfy. Like really comfy.

As Gerard starts driving us home we clean up our injuries some more.

"You know if our parents see us we're dead." Mikey wheezes out to Gerard.

"Good thing they aren't home then." He replies.

"Thank god, though I feel bad for you guys." Mikey says to all of us, looking towards the back seats we occupy.

"Oh freaking well." Bob grumbles out, obviously worried a bit.

After 20 minutes of blood cleaning and music blasting Gerard drives up to his house. We all live pretty close to each other so it's easy to walk home from here.

"Thanks for the ride Gee! See you tomorrow for band practice." Ray says, smiling.

"Yeah thanks, see ya tomorrow." Bob says as well, following Ray.

"Bye!" He yells back at them.

"Well I better get going, I like to party hard on Fridays." I say to Mikey and Gerard.

"Frank... we both know you're going home and taking a nap." Gerard says knowingly to me.

"You know me too well my friends. I still better get going though." I pat Mikey on the shoulder. "Don't suffocate man." I say laughing, "And see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye!" They say in unison.

"Have fun explaining your face to your parents!" Gerard yells in a sing-song voice.

"Don't worry, I'll blame it on you!" I yell back, rolling my eyes and laughing.

"No, but for real I'm screwed..." I say to myself, walking to my house. "So screwed."   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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