Masked faces

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Masked faces.

(I know a lot off people are gonna be pissed at me for this decision but I'll make up for it in the next one I just think it would be a nice change well for Mark anyway ;) also I'm not a fan off the daddy kink but I had to put in the story for some reason I felt it needed to be done god I'm going to hell)


I glanced over my outfit in the mirror slightly scared and feeling a little awkward as I had never danced before and I wouldn't know anyone there let alone gone to a fancy masked ball I sigh and fix my black tail coat and button my white polo shirt I sigh as I walk to grab my mask I look down at it spinning it in my hand slightly (the one in the photo is jacks) I sigh as I place it one my face and walk out side the music blaring and people dancing around. The nerves struck me and I froze I didn't know anyone here I move my green hair from my face and put my hand on the banister and walk down the stairs my breathing slow as I try and calm my nerves I reach the bottom off the stairs and sigh fixing my coat I walk towards a less crowded place and leaned against a wall I pick a drink up and sip on it nervously .As time dawned on I got tipsy it was only champagne but I can't drink to save my life a person pushed there way through the crowed getting tripped and landing on me I Yelp and fall dragging the person down with me

"s-shit I am so so sorry"

a deep voice came from behind a jewelled black mask it covered half his face like mine did I shivered

"no it's fine"

I laugh lightly I see him smile and stand he holds his hand out for me to take I smirk and take it he pulled me up and I laugh slightly

"Your a strong one aren't ya"

I flirt slightly he blushes

"Thank you,I'm Mark and you are?"

"I'm Jack but you can call me Sean"

I smirk and bite my lip at him I see him blush more we started to talk a couple of hours passed and we both had a lot to drink I hiccup and smile he smiles back I drink some more

"You know you look so fucking hot in that suit,if it wasn't so crowded here id let you fuck me so hard"

Mark whispered in my ear my eyes widen and I spit my drink out coughing my face a new shade off red


"You heard Jack"

He smirks swaying slightly I blush and look around


I cut him off by putting my finger on his lips they felt soft he looks down at me a eyebrow raised

"I'm just thinking yeah sure"

I laugh and grab his hand sprinting back up the stairs tripping over a few but still holding onto marks hand I burst open my door and shove him in he laughs and trips over something landing on the bed I roll my eyes and giggle I close the door and walk up to him I sit down and pull his face close I can make out his outline in the dark as light seeped in under the door from the party that was still going strong down stairs I move his mask up slightly and do the same to mine


He whispers in my ear gently bitting it. I shiver and reach behind his head undoing the string and letting the mask fall to the ground a soft thud indicated that it had hit the purple rug covering the wooden floor I smile and do the same to mine I put my hands on his cheeks and lean down closer to him I feel the warmth in his cheeks and I smile putting my forehead on his,his warm breath hitting my lips I blush and close the gap kissing him he kisses back a little rougher but I didn't mind I kissed back with more force and pull his hair a low grunt escapes his lips what are still connected with mine I pin his arms above his head and sit on his lap. Mark moves his hands to my back and grips my tail coat I take it off and do the same to him along with his polo shirt still kissing one another I pull back in need off air and  pant slightly I feel marks chest raise and fall I smirk and kiss his neck. When Mark Inhails sharply I new I had found what I was looking for. Teasingly I gently nip the skin  running my tounge over it,Mark groans and he bites his lip I suck it gently his breathing picks up yet again and I smirk sucking and bitting it making sure to leave my mark. I let go off marks neck surprised when he starts to kiss my neck in return he was looking for my spot and when he found it he new it he ran his lips over it to double check and I shivered my nails digging in his chest lightly he laughs against my skin and licks the spot doing what I did to him

"Mark you copycat~"

I moan out he laughs

"Learned from the best"

He bites down hard once he said that and I Yelp out in pleasure mixed with pain it felt nice I close my eyes and feel disappointed when he pulls back he takes my shirt off and I laugh slightly pushing him back down and shimmying off his stomach and onto his lap I kissed his chest bitting it slightly feeling Mark arch his back and grab my hair pushing me down slightly I raise my eyebrow

"Excuse me but what do you think your doing "

I laugh

"Erm getting down to business this teasing is unbearable please daddy "

He whines I smirk and roll my eyes taking his pants off but leaving his boxers on. I lick his stomach and palm him through his boxers

"Jack at this point in time I hate you~"

I laugh

"Love you to markel-sparkle"

I pull his boxers down slightly and tease him more by stroking what was visible he groaned I move them down more but this time with my teeth. Once there off I lick the tip and feel Mark shudder underneath me he moved his hand to his mouth and bit his finger I do it again taking some more off him in my mouth. He whimpers slightly and I smirk moving my head more down so I'm halfway down

"F-fuck Jack~"

I shiver slightly and keep going until my nose touches his pelvis I didn't gag surprisingly Mark moans out and grabs the bed smirking I move my head, sucking, slightly I pull off and hear a sad whimper escape his lips I laugh and take my boxers off hovering over him I kiss him and He kissed back of course

"Mark it's gonna hurt"

"I know"

"Are you ready?"

"No not really"

He laughs and closes his eyes scared I kiss him and stand running to the bedside table.


"I'm coming"

"That was fast you never really touched me"

Mark laughs I snicker


I hear his breathing hitch and smirk I grab some lube and walk back to mark leaving kisses on his neck I bite his lip and he groans slightly I slowly insert my self waiting for him he screams out in pain and grabs the covers tears stinging at his eyes I kiss them away.

"Just tell me when you want me to move"

My voice full off concerns and worry he whimpers


I smirk and move slowly so he can adjust I bite my lip my hair falling into my face. Mark moans and arches his back he runs his hands down my chest and bites his lip eyes closed I go faster

"Fuck Daddy aghh~"

My eyes widened but that moment was interrupted by Mark pulled my arms so I fell forward slightly enough so he could kiss me with out him moving

"you lazy fuck"

"Aren't I just"

Mark pants and I kiss him then move to his neck making the already huge hickey even bigger he grabs my hair and arches his back. I move my hand down and trace his v-line panting I speed up looking at Mark my hair still in my face along with his we were both close I pull out off Mark

"Wh-why did you-"

I cut him off and shove his dick in my mouth bobbing my head back he screams out and bucks his hips up I smirk


Mark couldnt finish his sentence before he came inside my mouth I smirk looking up at him and swallowing it he blushes and pants. Mark pulls me up and slowly rubs me I gasp and bite my lip. Mark kisses my neck and chest making me bite my lip harder

"Shit Mark~"

It wasn't long until I came as well I pant hard and lay down next to Mark he smiles and pulls me close

"wonder what we missed at the party?"

Mark asks I noticed that the music had stopped and the there was whispering from the other side off the door

"I think they enjoyed the music we made"

I snicker and close my eyes

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