Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- Mission begin

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Toothless P.O.V

We all woke up early in the morning. We have created a plan to attack the enemy. We going to split into two, first team will enter the island from behind and try to find Amarllyis. The second team will attack the enemy after the first team has given them the signal to attack the enemy. "Alright, Toothless, Valka and Cloudjumper are the first team. You know what you has to do" Hiccup said and everyone nodded. "I will lead the attack after you have given the signal" he continued. Then me, Valka and Cloudjumper walked out of the planning tent. Hiccup walked to me and hugged me. "Good luck toothless and be safe" he said grinning. "You too" I said before joining Valka and Cloudjumper who are already up in the air. Then we started flying toward the island. "So where is the entrance to the island" I asked. "There is a tunnel behind a mountain. If we enter the tunnel, it will lead us to the middle of the cave" Cloudjumper said. "We don't think that the enemies know about the tunnel because we have been observing the tunnel for hours and no enemies going in or out of the tunnel" Valka exclaimed. "We should be arriving to the island soon" Cloudjumper said.

Amarllyis P.O.V

I was in a deep sleep when suddenly I heard the sound of many feet walking toward me. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Raven with a few other dragons standing in front of me. "Wake up. The time is come" Raven said glaring at me. I stand up slowly and took a deep breath. "Hey you, wake up" Raven said before kicking Shicke on her stomach and she groaned in pain. I stepped in front of Shicke, growl angrily at Raven making him backed off. A few of Raven's dragons stepped in front of Raven and say "stand down or we will attack". "Attack me is the last thing you wanted to do. I am a silver night fury and remember I am the second strongest in the night fury clan after the night fury alpha. A few angry dragons are just a piece of cake" I said and getting ready to fight. "Amarllyis, it's okay. Don't fight" Shicke said weakly. "Shicke, are you okay" I asked. She nodded before stand up next to me. "Alright you two come with me. Rusorth want to meet you two now" Raven said before walking toward the cave. "Rusorth need me to open the cave entrance, why bringing Shicke too" I asked. "He sense something is going to happen. And he's afraid you will get hurt and if you do get hurt we need a healer dragon to aid you" Raven said. "Since when he started to taking care of me" I said. "You're his most important things right now. He needed you if he wanted to get the gem. No more talking now let's go" Raven said and continue walking to the entrance. I and Shicke followed him from behind while the other dragons followed us. While we were following Raven from behind, I suddenly feel like being watched form far. I stopped and looked around to see is there any dragon which is stalked watching me. But I didn't see anything so I decided to keep walking since Raven glared at me angrily.

Toothless P.O.V

We have arrived at the island. After we walked out of the tunnel, we all hide in the woods while trying to find Amarllyis. Then I saw her walking with another female dragon next to her. "There she is" I said. I was about to fly over to her went suddenly Cloudjumper walked in front of me. "Cloudjumper move" I ordered him. "My apologies Alpha, but we need to stick to the plan" he exclaimed. "Our plan is to find her and save her" I said. "Correction, our plan is to find her and give signal to Hiccup" Cloudjumper said. "Toothless, I know that you're worried about her but we must not let our feeling in the mission. Otherwise it will be disaster" Valka said. I let out a loud sighed and say, "So what are we going to do". "Right now she is on the move. Let's follow her to her destination. Then one of us need to go and signal Hiccup" Valka said. I nodded even though I don't want to. Then I saw Amarllyis stopped walking and looked around her. "She must feel like she being stalked" Cloudjumper said. "Of course, we are the stalker" I muttered. After that she continued walking. "Come on let's follow her" Valka said.

We then followed her until they stopped at the slopped of a mountain. We hide in a bush where it's close to them so we can hear what they are talking. "What do you want" Amarllyis said. "What with the mood my dear darling" Rusorth muttered as he walked around Amarllyis. I narrowed my eyes at Rusorth as he getting closer to Amarllyis. "Toothless calm down" Cloudjumper whispered at me. "I am calm. But not for long" I whispered back. "If you're calmed then stopped growling" he whispered. I then realize that I am growling. I stopped growling and continue listening. "I need you to let out a loud roar. As loud as possible" Rusorth said. I looked at her as a few dragons pushed her to the slope of the mountain. She then let out a loud roar and everyone stayed silent for a while. "Nothing happened" Raven stated. Rusorth suddenly walked to the slope and shot a fire ball at it. 'He's angry" Cloudjumper whispered. "Why aren't you open" Rusorth screamed angrily. He shoots a few more fireballs but the mountain is unscratched. Suddenly we heard a branch snapped behind us. We turned our gaze toward the sound and prepared to engage if things gone wrong. "Alpha" a dragon walked to us. "You from the Berk guard" Valka stated and he nodded. "Hiccup sent me to check you. You have been way too long" he said. "Changing plan, I want you to give the signal to Hiccup. We're going to buy you sometime" I said. "Toothless what are you talking about" Cloudjumper asked. "Trust me. Now go" I ordered the dragon. He nodded and walked back into the woods. "Now followed me, I'll do the talk. If he asked you why are you here, tell him that you're here to protect me" I said. "Alright, we trusted you" Valka said.

~~~~~~~~~~To be continue~~~~~~~~~~

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