Chapter five: news

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Gajeels POV
It's been a year we saw the girls and I really miss Levy. Where ever you are please, just come back I thought as all four of us stare at the door.

"Would you boys like anything?" Mira asks walking to us.

"No" we reply in unison. Just then the door is blown open by a familiar wind.

"Wendy?" I heard Romeo ask. Wendy walked through the door and fumbled down only to be caught by Romeo. She looked up to show tears in her eyes.

"Their dead" she says as the tears start to fall down her face.

"What?" I asked as my heart dropped.

"The girls! They died saving me!" Wendy yelled as she fell to the floor in tears. I felt myself shut down. that's not true, she.

Grays POV
That can't be... She promised, she I looked at Wendy as she cried. The guild was filled with screams of pain and hurt.

"She promised! Why does everyone I love die?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and collapse next to Gajeel.

"Luce! You can't leave me too!" Natsu yelled crying and screaming, falling beside us.

"I-I don't want to say goodbye! Not again" Jellal yelled falling to the ground, mumbling the last part. We looked up to find four coffins coming in.

"W-what's that?" I asked hoping that it wasn't the girls.

"I'm sorry" Wendy mumbled as the guild cried and screamed.

Lucy's POV
It's been a year since we left and I was blessed with a beautiful girl I named Nashi, Juvia had a boy named Silver, Levy had a boy named Metalican and Erza had a girl named Scarlet. Erza was first to go, then Levy, Juvia and last me.

"Guys when can we go back, we can't be on a mission forever" Levy said putting her kid to sleep.

"We can't go back like this" I say looking down.

"We could fake your death" Wendy said speaking up.

"I don't know, I remember what happened when I got stuck in the tower of Heaven. Natsu didn't take it well" Erza said upset. I remembered back to the day we left Magolia.

Flash back

"Lucy where are you going?" Happy asked flying after me as I was about to board the train.

"Happy I-" I looked down.

"Lushi?" He asked upset.

"Please don't tell Natsu" I said hugging him.

"Why?" He asked looking up.

"I'm pregnant" I say crying.

"What?!" He asked looking at me.

"We all are" Erza said stepping out of the train.

"So Natsu, Gray, Gajeel and Jellal?" He asked as we nodded.

"Ahhh my ships!" He said hugging us.

"Look after them for us" we said hugging the cat.

"Ok but you have to write to me and send me pics" Happy said smiling. We nodded and boarded the train. He flew off not looking back. I'm sorry happy but you'll understand.

End of flash back

"Let's do it" I said stepping in.

"How?" Juvia asked.

"This is what we'll do..." I said as I explained the plan.

Mira's POV
The boys haven't been to the guild in the 8 years that the girls have been gone, they only come here to get free food because they have no money. They started living in the girls apartments since they heard the news. Lucy and the girls still write to me and Happy, Wendy visits them when the notice board gets the same 'mission' once every month. This gives her an excuse for leaving.

Natsus POV
I sat on Lucy's bed as I hugged the pillow, I wasnt there for you Luce, I'm sorry I thought as it heard a knock at the door. Happy opened it and Wendy walked in.

"Natsu, how are you going?" She asked sitting next to me. I snuggle my head in further smelling her pillow before her sent disappears.

"I should have told her" I said starting to tear up.

"What?" She asked looking at me.

"Luce and I, we spent the night together after the fantasia festival. I didn't tell her because she would of hated me after that, but I... I enjoyed that time with her but I never had the guts to tell her" I said starting to cry. Wendy probably hates me now, knowing that I did that to Lucy when she was drunk.

"All four of you guys remembered what happened?" She asked.

"Yeah, wait how did you know it wasn't just me?!" I asked looking at her. She sighed and helped me up.

"I'm taking you guys on my mission" she said with a smile.

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