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Randy's POV

over the past week and a half I've been hanging out with arsyn. the first girl I've laid eyes on since getting divorced from Kim.

after all this was my second divorce and I wasn't sure that I ever wanted to be married again.

last night arsyn & I decided to have dinner together and the papz followed us to the reseraunt. they got shots of us taking our selfies which I hated to take but wanted to with her.

when she posted that photo it automatically blew up and I decided since they were calling her a "fame whore" that I'd post one just to clear it up.

that's when I decided that I would use the #notjustforthecameras. I thought it was clever and I way to loosen up the mood.

I fell asleep last night shortly after she called me a goof and now I was being woken up by someone.

"randy, randyyy! wake up dude, its Tuesday morning we have to drive to Florida today"

ugh what time is it?

"Its 8am so get up, are you riding with me on the tour bus or are you riding with Adrian again?"

I'm driving with Adrian, we're tour buddies bro. lemme call her.

I got up slowly but surely and dialed her number.


Yeah, what's up Randall?

I was wondering if you were still here, just to make sure I'm still driving with you today?

yeah, I'm packing now. almost done so hurry!

alright be down in 5.

I hung up the phone and changed my clothes. I didn't bother taking a shower because I would just wait till we got to the next hotel.

I packed all my shit and headed out the door, seeing Adrian already at the car I put my stuff in the trunk and sat in the passengers seat.

as she was pulling out into the road, I decided to check twitter something I do very rarely.

so many people were posting Adrian and i's pictures. I scrolled through, favoriting some and rt one that really caught my eye.

y'all are all arguing over the fact that randy might be taken, but let's be honest. that girl is hot🔥

I rt it and mentally laughed, I knew this would cause more shit, but that tweet was true. Adrian did look pretty hot last night.

I put my phone down and plugged hers into the aux cord she had in her car. she looked at me funny but then just nodded in agreement.

the first song that came on from her playlist was.. mine. voices. I was a little shocked, but I knew it was a good song.

I looked at her and she seemed to be slightly embarrassed that I now knew I was in her playlist. however I was honored that she liked my theme song so much, it has a lot of meaning behind it.

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