Back Again

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Adrians Pov

It has officially been one month and two weeks since my suspension occurred. I've been training every single day of every single week and tonight at summer-slam, I will be officially returning to in-ring competition. however, nobody knows, not even randy. It's been so hard keeping this a secret, but i know i will get a better pop/reaction from the fans if they don't expect me to be there.

randy does know that my suspension has been lifted and tonight he thinks that I'm simply tagging along to support him and friends, but that's just not the case. we are on our way to the Barclay Center in New York, for the event, but of course before we pull up i cover myself with a jacket and lean my seat back so no one can say that they saw me here. as we make our way inside the arena, i quickly make my way to Stephanie's office, not letting anyone see me as noted to do. i knock on the door and enter as quietly as possible when she opens it.

"it's nice to see you back Arsyn. we have an open spot tonight that we didn't tell you about over the phone because, well, we figured you would want to hear it face-to-face." i sat down, awaiting the news and kindly telling Steph to keep going. "tonight Sasha Banks cannot compete do to minor injuries, and taking her place during the Women's Championship Match, is you". i nearly shot out of my seat in excitement, hugging her and saying thank you. she handed me a short script for the match and said Charlotte already knew, i had 45mins to read this over and get ready for my match.

i made my way to the makeup room, sitting down in the chair and getting a surprised/excited look from our makeup artists. "glad to have one of my favorite divas back, good seeing you girly" Leslie my artist said giving me a small hug, before starting on my hair and makeup. when that was all completed, i made my way to the locker room, knowing the girls would be here soon, i quickly got dressed in my ring attire and made my way to the guerilla. I sat there for the next 27mins of this guys match and waited for Charlotte to get called out for the match. before hand, she shook my hand and welcomed me back. afterwards, they played Sasha theme, but soon stopped it and announced that she could not compete due to injury.

"due to minor injuries Sasha Banks is unable to compete in any match tonight, therefor taking her place in this match for the Women's Championship Belt is...." as Lilian announced that, my theme song hit and i walked out. the crowd began to go wild and throw punk signs up at me as i did the same, sliding into the ring, and waiting for the bell to be rung.

Charlotte and I lock up as the bell rings, we begin to go at it. giving it our all, fighting for the most precious prize either of us would ever hold onto in this business. Charlotte got the upper hand on me, throwing me down onto the mat and trying to go for the figure four, but as she twists around i kick her into the ropes. giving me just enough time to stand up and recover myself from that mistake. i hit her with several clotheslines before pulling her up by her hair and slamming her face into the mat. we both go at it for a good 15 minutes, Charlotte trying to roll me into Charlotte's web, but i kick out and get back up. as she runs at me going for a big boot to the face, i duck and run to the ropes, gaining momentum i run towards her jumping and swinging my legs around her neck, taking her down into the thunder thighs of doom. she hesitates for a few moments trying to get out, but she taps.

"your winner and New Women's Champion, Arsyn". the crowd erupted with excitement and they clapped so loud. all i could think about was how much I've worked for this and how far that I've come. as i was holding up the championship, i heard the crowd get louder and looking back at the ramp i saw randy running down and sliding into the ring. when he got up, he immediately took me into a warm hug, locking it in tight. he looked down at me, making my heart melt.

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